Bump or Plump


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2007
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.. Hows your bump looking atm? :D

Mines more plump than bump.. it's wobbly and out of shape. Im too big for any of my clothes but look fat & frumpy in maternity! I love this stage :shakehead: lol. Im looking forward to it filling out so i actually look pregnant :D !
definate plump for me 2 :x in maternity trousers with the side elastic because my others no longer fit but still look like i've eaten too much :wall: don't think it helps that i was overweight to start with or the ammount i've been eating tho :lol: just praying the wobble will turn into bump soon tho! :pray:
Defo plump for me! :lol:

I'll get a pic up today at some point to scare you all!
From morning til around 5pm definately plump

From around 5pm much more bump (although most of it is bloating/ cake and wind - lovely! :) )
Ive been trying to decide for a while weither mines plump or bump cant be sure though!!! :lol:
I'm looking massive :oops: :lol:

Some days it looks like a big bump but then others it seems to spread around my hips :rotfl:
Mines bump but I only know that coz im so skinny! My bump isnt as big as I thought it would be tho at this stage I want a bump for everyone to see! lol. I havnt posted any bump pics yet might have to soon!
The OH said yesterday that we're starting to look bumpish rather than just having the pot belly I get my name from :D
im bump! thats not to say there aint a lot of me cos there is!! Theres just even more bumpage!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
Its not fair! :shakehead: lol.. iv allready gone up a size 10-12, which ok, isnt bad really BUT my belly is unrecognisable :| This happened with Lovella too and i didnt "round up" completely til week 26! Worth it tho :)
Fluffy Bunny said:
From morning til around 5pm definately plump

From around 5pm much more bump (although most of it is bloating/ cake and wind - lovely! :) )

Yep me too !!!

I was big anyway size 20/22 people prob just think im getting fatter and not pregnant ! :bored: not one person who doesnt know I am pregnant has commented on my bump ! even people who do have never said anything !! i wish my bump looked more like a bump !! :wall: :wall:

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