i thought it was over.... NOT!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2010
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i thought i was completly healed down below, i thought i had a type of skin tag thing but today it feels like i have loads around the hole entrance sorry for tmi.

i don't know what it is it feels like lots of the area around as puffed out, its really hard to explain.. Did anyone else experience this? Im scared something pushing things out but i don't know what prolapse is.. It doesn't feel like anythings falling out of me..

please help :( x
Are you in any pain or does it just feel different when you touch it? Have you had a look with a mirror? If you're at all worried I'd get checked out just to put your mind at rest x x
not painfull, just feels like the edges are puffed out. I have an appointment for the 1st feb but ill be starying my period then.. Hopefully they can still have a look. Its just playing on my mind. Just don't know what it is. Sex still feels normal x
Hopefully it's nothing, especially if it's not painful and sex is normal. Definitely get them to have a look if you can though x x
yeah i will do.. Why oh why can't things just be normal down there x
It was a while before I felt normal after Sam (I had loads of stitches as his arm flew out over the top of his head as he was being born) but things did gradually get better and feel completely normal now. Hopefully it's nothing other than things getting back to normal for you too x x
did you tear or need stitches could be just how its healed
i was cut.. Can't remember the word.. Think its epitopsy or something like that. But i don't think it stitching i can feel that part x
hmm it feel puffed up and like the outside of the vagina opening has lumps all the way round. It doesn't hurt its just really annoying. Do you find it hard to do pelvic floor exercises.. I do :(
yeah its really hard, i cant stop midflow but o spoke to my mum about it today and she said just keep trying and soon i will be able to. she said "you dont wanna be 26 n have to wear tena do you" so i have dont more today then ever before! Im not sure im doin it right but my mum said keep doin it and sooner or later you will do it right (she also said stick 2 fingers up n squeeeeeze :whistle: )
i think im doing it right. Ive done it when OH is in me during sex and i squeeze and he can feel it and then he does it and i can feel him move x

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