I think my line has gone :(


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
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Morning ladies, I posted my test yesterday at only 9dpo and it was a definite faint line that got darker pink throughout the day (so I knew it wasn't evap.)
I couldn't help but test this morning as I was so anxious yesterday. I stood and watched the test this time and saw the line come up, so faint still but it was there. 20 minutes later it was virtually gone :(
The FRER leaflet says a positive result should stand for 48 hours - does this mean i'm out? Anyone had a line disappear on them before and still be pregnant?
I am absolutely gutted and petrified to test again.. Why oh why did I not wait a few days...
Oh no :( hoping it's ti do with how long the hold was, how diluted the wee was etc . It bound to be very hard but try not to test too often, you will scare yourself xx
Test again tomorrow. My lines are coming and going as well :( x
It could be your urine was less diluted. When I first got my BFP the line would come up and then fade as the tests dried and went yellow. Turns out I was really early, only 7dpo. I would test again later after a 6-7 hold. Don't drink anything x

Thanks for responding guys.. How you feeling sparkle girl? Still symptomy? The only thing I can think of is I made the effort to drink plenty of water yesterday as I thought I had a little bean on board.. I don't usually drink much water (bad of me I know) so even though it was fmu could the extra liquid have made a difference? I don't know, all just guess work..

Gosh peanut I caught up on your thread earlier - what a horrible time you've been having. At least at the moment we have hope. Fingers crossed they run some bloods for you - the emotional strain must be huge. Crossing everything for you sweetheart..

Thanks Slb.. As I said above I drank way more water yest than I ever do.. Saying that my sample did look strong.. I've bought 2 Sainsbury's tests and 2 clear blue digis (saving for next week..) I think I'm going to leave it for the weekend as it's all too upsetting :(

Will let you know how I get on xxx
Drinking more water could definitely make a difference when lines were not dark to start with. I always got better results with afternoon urine after not drinking much for a couple of hrs. Very faint positives can fade to almost nothing when dry in my experience. Sometimes they get darker when they dry, I dont know why? I wouldnt count yourself out yet.
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Thanks BunnyN - that's really reassuring to hear you've had some faders too.. I just can't get the image of seeing the line come up out of my head.. it was definitely there.. Just hear so many sad stories..
I still feel so off - I had the mother of all headaches yesterday and was asleep on the sofa by 8 feeling sick.. I'm so cross with myself for testing today - I would have been none the wiser! I should have waited! xx
Thanks for responding guys.. How you feeling sparkle girl? Still symptomy? The only thing I can think of is I made the effort to drink plenty of water yesterday as I thought I had a little bean on board.. I don't usually drink much water (bad of me I know) so even though it was fmu could the extra liquid have made a difference? I don't know, all just guess work..

I drink nothing but water these days so it would be interesting to know just how far it might affect a test. Gotta say I am loving the new word there symptomy haha its great! To be very honest I dont know what I feel, quite cold despite the sun out and tummy feels odd with funny little pains or feelings. A friend did tell me that she thinks it could all be just my brain causing ti all because I am so desperate to be pregnant so now I worry its all in my head xxx
Haha, glad you like it �� I've been getting the shivers a lot too and then also episodes of being really hot but mostly i've noticed the shivers.. I know these things can be in our head when we want it so badly but we've got to stay positive somehow haven't we?! It's something to focus on at least, albeit a rather unhealthy obsession! I work from home and have got close to no work done this week for being so distracted.. Whoopsie.. Going to playing catch up big time next week! xxx
Ooops! never mind as long as you can play catch up thats ok. What do you do? Ive got a pain in my left ovary now which feels like AF but unusual as its pretty much always my right one but fear its gonna be a negative on Tues now xx
I had two HPT that faded after a bit but still got a positive digital and blood test. So I agree, I wouldn't count yourself out just yet. Those things can be tricky! Best of luck to you love xx
Looks like that's it �� Sainsbury's test conpletely neg this morning. I know I should have done the same test as before but couldn't find any. Anyway if their sensitivity is 15 it should have picked up considering I got a 'positive' 2 days ago.. Totally totally gutted, I was so happy.. At least I can try and move on for this month and look forward to my period ��
Exactly same has happened to me. Two days ago I was stupidly dancing around thinking I was pregnant and now I am just deflated. Just need AF to turn up so we can move on �� All the best for your next cycle
Thanks Georgesmum - it's gut wrenching.. Hope you find peace with it, I'm coping better than I would have expected myself to but it still hurts.. Just feel like a lemon for being so excited and grinning like the Cheshire Cat all day Thursday.. Sending you my love and baby vibes for next cycle xxxx
So sorry kate. Different brands can vary quite a bit and I have found that its not always about the sensitivity they say they are. I do agree though that after two days you would expect to see a line. Hugs

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