I think I'm losing my little muffin


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2011
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I've had cramping today and last night a small amount and I didn't think anything of it, but I have a small amount of brown discharge and blood when I went to the loo, I've just left work to talk to the midwife and I can't have an appointment until Monday, which I get but I'm so worried, this is my first pregnancy, and I don't want this to happen. My husband is away for the weekend, so I've booked a private scan for tomorrow morning, I think I will go out of my mind if I have to wait until Monday.
good luck for monday hun! as said in many threads a lot of ladies have or have had this and their babies are fine, its easier said than done saying not to worry as obv u are going to, i'm in the same boat at the mo just waiting for my early scan to check all is ok. hope everything is fine hun xx
Lots of women on here have had similar and been ok. Keep thinking positively. Good luck for the scan - I think you're right - I wouldn't want to wait til Monday either. xxx
With my LO I had bleeding on and off throughout pregnancy! Generally after sex but sometimes without the sex. It was never a lot, but noticable enough for hub to avoid sex from about 12 weeks!! x good luck xxx
Oh same as me then, what time is your scan? Im at 8.50 tomorrow. Good luck hun i know exactly how ur feeling xxx
Mine is at 8:15, bless my sister she called the private hospital and begged the woman, so she is coming in early. I feel bad just walking out of work, as they are really busy today.
TUFF!!! At least u made the effort to go to work. I woke up this monring n decided it was best for every1 if i stayed at home and i had loads to do aswell. Babys come 1st thats one thing iv learnt by having a mc. Sure u can make time up etc. Think about yourself today. 8.15 nice and early!! Good luck and get a pic xx
Good luck sweetheart and you get a pic too I will be thinking of you too tomorrow xx
Good luck to bith you ladies xx will be keeping an eye out for updates and pics! xx
Good look muffin with your scan in the morning and I hope everything turns out ok xxxx
good luck for tomorrow...i had brown discharge yesterday and had a scan and all was okay xx
Will be thinking of you - hope it all goes well. xx

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