I think Im going to have a break from this TTC


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
Reaction score

AF came again this month.

I promised myself I wouldnt get stressed out about it or obsessed but I seem to have done just that. BD is a chore now. Im thining of slowing up abit and just going with the flow. We havent had a holiday for 4 years now and Im just about plucking up the courage to do it. Im so grateful to have my beautiful DD and if you had known me before I had her, you wouldnt believe I was a mum now because we said that we was not going to have any.

I know its not going to happen just like that when we start TTC again.

I would like another baby before Im 36 which gives me 1 1/2 year.

Am I doing the right thing??? :? :?
Heya Nicki,

I know what you mean. I'm the opposite, I want AF to come, but its not happening. I feel pretty annoyed over it all as well. It's mentally draining and has been causing a few fights between me and OH.

Yeah, I think a break would be a good idea for you, if its getting really upsetting/tough for you.

PM me, if you need a rant anyway
xxx :hug: :hug:
Thank you, Im just in such a quadry - I wish I wasnt so indecisive about everything in life :?
Having a holiday and a short break from trying could do no harm if you're stressed out, being able to relax would do anyone the world of good, both for health and for TTC :hug:

Good luck whatever you decide :hug:

as for being indecisive I know exactly what you mean, when I can't make up my mind I toss a coin and gauge my IMMEDIATE reaction to the result (I know it sounds silly but bear with me it works for me) So if my reaction is disapointment, even if only slight then I go with the losing option, if I'm relieved with the result then I keep to it.

I probably haven't explained it very well but it's got to be your immediate split second reaction, as thats your deepest, truest feeling about the choice. You'll more than likely think I'm nuts now :lol:

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