I saw my tummy move!! :D


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
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Kicks have been getting a little stronger and last night during a kick I saw something pop out of my tummy about 1 -2cms for a few seconds!

It was amazing and very weird at the same time :D I think it's a good sign as my little boy is strong enough to give his mum a good kick ;) Now, just got to wait until tomorrow for my scan and see my little footballer again :D xxxx
Awww how lovely and that you get to see him tomorrow too! x
Isn't lovely feeling them moving about and getting stronger all the time , i've discovered my little man either loves or hates raw onion as he go nuts after I've eaten it . lol xx
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You'll start feeling lots of stronger kicks now hun, then before you know it bubs will be kicking all the time and you'll be like 'give me a break' lol...eek scan tomorrow (and another for me) let me know how it goes sweety xx
Good luck with your scan! Amazing seeing it move, I've only caught it a few times (and I'm not skinny so it's more of an area specific bulge with a tiny jiggle too lol). So many exciting things happening for you, tri2 is great :D x
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It is lovely when you actually see your tummy move, a little weird but still lovely. Good luck with your scan xxx
Yay to scan day hun!!

OH felt his first kick last night :lol:

I am in constant state of amazement these days

Yay!!!! It's really odd isn't it? I spend at lots of time staring at my bouncing belly these days! Now THERE'S something to make you smile sweetie :) Can't wait to see the pics tomorrow xxxxx
Great news! I've yet to see my belly move but bambino has been giving me stronger kicks and, like carnat, my hubby felt his first kick last night...finally!!
Hope everything goes well with the scan :) xx
Thanks people :) I've been moaning about my very small bump, but now I think that not having much bump has helped me see my baby move sooner... Saw a few more little twitches today and love it :) xxx
Its smszing isnt it i got the powerful kicks st 18wks 4days and it made me cry with hsppiness, my 20wk scsn is monday cant wait xxxx

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