I saw my eggs today!


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2005
Reaction score
Well, my follicles anyway :D

I went for a scan today to check out a suspected fibroid, and it was still there measuring 1.2cm (as it did in December) on the posterior uterine wall. The sonographer said that because it was so tiny, and because of its location, there was virtually no chance that it would ever affect a pregnancy - so good news there :dance:

But much more exciting than that was when she gave me a full guided tour of my uterus :D She showed me my ovaries, and they both had a bunch of follicles! She pointed one out a particularly big one (2cm! :shock: ) and said 'that's probably the one that will go next'. I said that's a pity, we're not trying this month :wall:

Anyway I'll be joining you all soon in TTC, hopefully in a couple of weeks after AF has arrived. It can't come soon enough - going a full month without trying is a nightmare (I'm still sticking my thermometer in my mouth every morning though - that's a habit I just don't seem able to stop!)
I'm guessing you get more fascinated by the facts as time goes on Laura? I know I do an seeing it with your own eyes would be different.

Brill news for you on that score then anyway :dance:

:pray: for your BFP next month.

The temping thing has baffled me even though I've tried to read up about it. Maybe it's because OPKs looked easier. I like simple :lol:

Yes, it's definitely fascinating Wobbles! It's like, well I knew there were these 'follicle' things floating around, but I never expected to be able to actually see them!

If you want any help with temping, I'd be happy to give you any advice I can. OPKs are definitely more simple and I'm addicted to those too, but what I like about temping is the fact that I can see (albeit in hindsight) that I ovulated, and the good thing about that is that I can then pinpoint the day when AF is due. OPKs can do that for you too, but I remember having a few long cycles some of which gave me two lots of positive OPKs, which was a bit confusing. After you've ovulated, you get a set of higher temperatures, which is very reassuring!

I can also usually tell by my temps when I'm about to ovulate, but I always use the OPKs too as they give a definitive answer. There's nothing more disappointing than believing AF is due, but it doesn't arrive, getting a bunch of BFNs and wondering why :( which is why I couldn't go a month without doing one, or both!
I'm jealous I want to see mine :( :lol:

Thanks for your offer - You may regret it one day though Lol Personally at the moment I'm going to see where this month goes then consider if it's right for me to TTC right now. I'd really like to see my BFP as most of us using the TTC boards but after concentrating on when I'm ovulating & actually pin pointing that day I've now gone into a sort of quiet panic mode.

The idea of knowing when AF is going to arrive would be fab. I get really bad cramping at that time of month some pre-warning would be great.
Great news!!! Hope to see you in the first trimester soon :D
So whereabouts are you on your cycle now Wobbles? I see you're on day 17, have you O'd yet?

Thanks Louise - I shall try to get there soon :D

Well glad it wont effect your pregnancies. That is awesoem you got to see all that how neat bet you will never forget that!!
Good luck next month and it will come soon enough oh good luck :D
Thanks Katrina ... I can't wait to put a TTC ticker up :D
I ovulated on the 6th :D Bit earlier than my ticker had stated.

Do I use that date to wprk out my DPO? If so I would be 5 DPO.

I wish someone would invent a test to tell you the day after :lol:
Wobbles said:
I wish someone would invent a test to tell you the day after :lol:
They probably will do, in about 30 years time :roll:

Yes, you'll be 5dpo now. Fingers crossed for you! :pray:

How's the non-smoking going?
Your probably right there :evil: :lol:

Thank you >She says panicing again<


Going really well. I've not smoked more than 10 on any day since I started bar throwing my hands up to smoking 18 yesterday .. I was stressed but no excuse so I'm not proud of myself. I wasn't kicking myself for smoking around 6 a day due to smoking around 40 per day usually so even 18 is gd for me but that is the point I'm annoyed with myself to slip so much.

Most times I feel I need a ciggie I mumble the words 'baby' which works <sad> :oops: There might not be a baby there but the chance is!
Wow, you smoked quite a lot! Are you using anything to help you give up?

A few years ago I was on 30 a day - the last couple of years it's been 10 a day, but I can go a few weeks without smoking, but then I give in again (if I had a stressy day now and again I would nip out and buy 10). I am using this TTC-free month to kick it once and for all - I'm on patches and I am determined to be free of them in two weeks' time.

I'm actually using this month for a lot of things - avoiding smoking, getting anti-inflammatories for a coxix(sp?) pain I've had for three months (the doc wouldn't give me any last month as I was PG), trying to lose a little weight ...... at least it's something to concentrate on whilst not TTC!
Yer NiQuitin CQ Clear. My problem is I quite like smoking but I'd of preferred to stay where I was 'casual smoker' just didn't happen & I got myself into a way of smoking like mad & not even enjoying it! My weak points are first thing & after food. Also when I'm working an have nothing to do but I have to stay put!

How are you doing on them? Have you gone to 0 or having the odd sneaky? Good luck :pray:

Apparently I'm over weight & when the doctor considered referring me to the fertility clinic a couple of months ago he asked would I be prepared to loose it! I was a bit offended I actually like my weight :talkhand:
Hi Laura! Looking forward to seeing your brand new shiny ticker, the girls in the TTC section are so lovely, most of my friends are in there and I still have to go in and contribute lol. Hope to see you in the first tri very soon with a BFP!!

As for smoking, well dont even go there, since I found out I was pregnant I have only had the odd puff, I have done it totally cold turkey and its kiling me. Sometimes I could murder a fag but im being as strong as possible!
No, no sneakies for me! Haven't got any and will not go and buy any either.

Regarding giving up, I think I saw somewhere you work from home? I do too, that's how the 30 a day started years back. I was so engrossed in work I didn't realise I nearly always had a ciggie on the go. I don't know if you've tried this, but a couple of years ago I banned myself from smoking in the house - I had to go and stand outside (had a designated 'smoking coat' for cold days, and even bought a special 'smoking' umbrella for when it rained :D). Since doing that, I cut down loads and could never imagine smoking in the house now. The house doesn't pong any more!

Another thing I did was only buy 10 at a time, which is how I got down to 10 a day. Then I would try to make 10 last for two days. As I said, I can go for weeks without smoking which I suppose is half the battle.

So are you still smoking with the patch on? (I wasn't sure from your message).

JaidyBaby - keep it up, you're doing really well!
We're also buying 10 a day. He's not much of a smoker in fact he won't even have a fag til past 4PM so he always has a packet of 20 that will last him 2/3 days an I got my hands on them :twisted: Lol!

I have 1 or 2 in the morning Laura then put my patch on. In the evening if I'm going to have one I will take the patch off for an hour.

The working from home is right thats what kicked me off too I think.

I haven't even put my patch on today - We had a row so I'm stressy :( Not really a good enough excuse though I guess!

Your doing fab Jaidy well done :dance:
I hear you on the morning thing ... when I've used them in the past, obviously you want a ciggie first thing, but haven't yet put the patch on for it to work! I tried keeping them on at night (to see if they would just give me enough for the first-thing next morning) but they kept me awake.

Have you tried the smoking outside rule?
I kept mine on at night an the first morning I woke up when I took it off I was left with a red square patch that looked inflamed :?

Think the smoking outside rule is a plan. I had to do that when his parents came to visit an I hated it! The house is defo smelling a lot better even with the cut down which does make me feel nice about the house too if you know what I mean.

Think right now I need a bath to relax stop stressing an put my darn patch on instead of using stress as an excuse <naughty> :lol:
Why not get a number of ciggies out now for today - say 5? - and lay them out on your desk. Tell yourself they all have a little time-slot and that you mustn't cheat :D

Next, go and have a bath (yes, right now) and make yourself all lovely-smelling and beautiful. Spray the house with air freshener, get some scented candles, put your favourite ashtray outside, and do not visit it until your next ciggie is due :dance: It's worth a try!

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