I resign from walking


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2007
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I have been enjoying my daily walk/waddle into town until this morning. Ive been told to rest by midwife so many times and had offers of personal shoppers ( Nan and Mum) but Ive wanted to carry on doing it myself. To me an hour or 2 walking a day is nothing as I usually tear about everywhere so my little wander into town seems like nothing....

Well today I got halfway up the road and was knakered! I made it to town which is usually a 5min walk and felt like collapsing. My ankles were almost buckling and I just felt so ill. I left all the shopping and came home, slowly.

I have decided to resign from walking now, its just silly as I cant do it. Never again will I attempt that so heavily pregnant. Im going to feel lazy but sod that :rotfl: I never imagined that I could ever feel SO heavy and unable to move :rotfl:
:shock: can't believe you're still walking :rotfl: or should that be waddling :rotfl:

you've done well up until now sarah, just do some gentle excercises at home if you must :D

I have also had to stop walking, and I can really feel the difference. The last 2 weeks, my parents have been doing the school run for me cos I was getting so uncomfortable walking but I feel really lazy and sluggish all the time now. Can't wait to have baby so I can start walking again and pushing my pram :D
Sounds like it's time to put your feet up and take advantage of those personal shoppers!

Before you know it you'll have baby James, the weather will be nice and you'll be able to take him out for strolls in his pram everyday.

I'm starting to find walking uncomfortable too, it makes me feel like I need to wee when I don't!

Time for ice lollies on the sofa me thinks :D
I love walking but with spd i had to give up the usual daily walks instead im taking roots on the sofa or driving everywhere. You have done well to manage till now so put your feet up for a few weeks.
w a l k ??? nope, sorry don't know what that involves :D
I try, i really do, but it just hurts... lol. You've all lasted much longer than me!
i dont walk anymore. I dont go out anymore. I wont leave the house if i can help it, lol :rotfl:

Im so uncomfortable, i just cant manage to walk more than a few steps now. I have so much pressure on my bladder and down below parts :lol: and sometimes i get pain in my lower belly (ligaments maybe?) and my legs ache!

Its a shame cos walking Beth to school was the only excercise i was getting, so i also feel like a lazy sod :rotfl: ,ostly i lie on the sofa a lot, and i only walk when i need a drink or some comfort food from the kitchen (or one of my many trips to the loo :lol: )
:think: Walking :think:

Nope I've not done that for a while. I don't even bother to walk around Tesco's now. I'd rather pay the £5 delivery than knacker myself out trying to walk around there.

I walk from the living room to the kitchen and the bathroom that's it!
Awww well done for going as long as you have :hug: :hug: :hug:

I think putting your feet up and resting is a good thing at this point. By all means have an amble about but don't go anywhere too far from home. Not long and you can be out and about with LO in his pram and you able to motor along :cheer:

I'm still managing my walks each day but I do find the hills a bit of a struggle now and have to rest a couple of times on the way up them. But I get there. Our driveway is half a mile plus so walking that twice a day with the dog is enough for me. I also take Eric round the field and let him tear round but don't have to walk as far :lol: But I still try to make at least half the hill and its much steeper. I hope to keep going for as long as I can, but find the bumpage makes it uncomfy now. Still I take it easy and plough on.
Sherlock said:
Awww well done for going as long as you have :hug: :hug: :hug:

I think putting your feet up and resting is a good thing at this point. By all means have an amble about but don't go anywhere too far from home. Not long and you can be out and about with LO in his pram and you able to motor along :cheer:

I'm still managing my walks each day but I do find the hills a bit of a struggle now and have to rest a couple of times on the way up them. But I get there. Our driveway is half a mile plus so walking that twice a day with the dog is enough for me. I also take Eric round the field and let him tear round but don't have to walk as far :lol: But I still try to make at least half the hill and its much steeper. I hope to keep going for as long as I can, but find the bumpage makes it uncomfy now. Still I take it easy and plough on.

OMG you do hills :clap: :clap: :clap:

I miss walking soooo much though :cry: Ive decided I can walk around the park....just a little way and then back again. There are benches all the way along so I can sit down every few steps if I need to. I cant stay in noooo way!!

This is it outside my door


I'll get some fresh air at least :)
Tillytots said:
OMG you do hills :clap: :clap: :clap:

I miss walking soooo much though :cry: Ive decided I can walk around the park....just a little way and then back again. There are benches all the way along so I can sit down every few steps if I need to. I cant stay in noooo way!!

This is it outside my door


I'll get some fresh air at least :)

Wow great to have outside your door. Perfect to waddle round at your own pace. And if the weather improves you can go get a bit of vitamin D intake and get some sunshine on you. Always brings the mood up, a short blast of rays.

And yup, I'm still doing hills. The driveway is one long gradual hill, but a fair old hike distance wise. I do struggle more on the second half of it and have to stop once or twice for a minute or two then. The field we go round is very steep but as I said, I don't rush and only go half way up. Hubby goes to the top with Eric. I waddle across the middle and meet him on his way back down. I used to hike some serious hill country round here so am used to them. But this being PG lark makes it hard work :lol: :roll:
Like Sherlock I am still walking, but I also take more breaks. I live near a huge heath and there are plenty of hills to conquer! I just find that my walking 'method' has changed as if I had to keep my legs further apart. Also, I know all the loos along my usual route :oops:

I have stopped going to the shop though. Bring on the Waitrose delivery service! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Oh Tillytots, I am sorry to hear this. I'll be gutted if I have to give up walking and going to the gym in a few weeks time. I've been trying to stay fit for the big push. Just spent last week doing a six mile walk around the lake district each day in the mud and rain (I loved it :D ).

If its any consequence it sounds as though you may be running around after a little one very soon... :D
i think youve done well to keep it up for this long tilly!!!
I know what you mean about this walking lark, I like to take my dog around the res it's prob bout 2/3 mile walk love taking her and she loves it too must admit tho i am finding it tough bump gets really hard and i always seem to need to wee, by the time shes back on her lead shes pulling me home! then once there i need to have a nap! :D xx
I thought everyone would think I was being a lazy moo! :oops: I didnt realise it was so normal not to be able to walk!! I feel sooooooooooo much better now :hug: :hug: :hug:
Tillytots said:
I thought everyone would think I was being a lazy moo! :oops: I didnt realise it was so normal not to be able to walk!! I feel sooooooooooo much better now :hug: :hug: :hug:

Hehe its good isn't it. I find that when I post things I think are daft or I'm overreacting to that other ladies usually reply in kind having similar experiences. Always nice to find you are not alone :hug:
I love this thread title!

I am now virtually housebound cos of bl**dy SPD. HOW unlikely to acquire it in Week 35?! I can't walk anywhere because it hurts too much and even driving is a pain.

I was supposed to go to aquanatal today and I've had to cry off. Boo hiss! :evil:

So yes I sympathise :hug:

We'll all have to stay in and spam the forum instead.

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