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I'm promising myself that i'm not going to do a birth plan this time as it went out of the window about 5 contractions in!!
I'm promising myself that i'm not going to do a birth plan this time as it went out of the window about 5 contractions in!!

:rofl: I can imagine. I told my midwife that my birth plan was to be in labour for about 3 hours, a couple of dignified pushes and a small but perfectly healthy baby will come out and I wont tear either. She didnt find it funny!
Oh wow, exactly the same gap between the 2 then :) Are you worried how you're gonna cope? I was so close to losing my temper more than a few times during the first tri when I was tired and cranky. I hope it won't happen again!
Yeah I have been looking at those Phil and Ted Sport double ones as well, thought they would be good and I happened to start chatting to a woman who had it and she said it's a godsend but... I have seen people struggling with them on the buses and it just... has completely put me off!
Brandon had a phase of tantrums as well, and you know what, OH and I watched a few episodes of supernanny, did some magic and he is wonderful now! :lol:
And birthplans... You do what you feel like doing and what you feel is right, you think about different things and options anyway, I personally really can't see the point of writing/creating a birthplan. xx
I was hopeless in the first trimester, i was shattered and felt so guilty that my LO wasnt getting enough attention. I think he went a whole week with beans on toast for lunch as its all i could bear the smell of!

In terms of birth plan i know i definatley wont do one this time, i have ideas on what i want to happen (3 hours, few pushes no tears sounds ideal! lol) but i know that I felt like i'd lost control last time when we had to deviate away from the plan and this time i'm just going to keep in mind that i'm going with the flow!! Oh and on epidurals... Mine worked really effectively, i was completely numb and in no pain BUT.... I couldnt feel to push, i couldnt move my legs, My labour really slowed down as i couldnt move. I had to push flat on my back as I couldnt move off my back. Ideally i would like to stick to G&A next time.... If you use if effectively like properly abuse the stuff its pretty damn good to be honest!! of well who knows what will happen anyway! xxx
ah thanks for the advice ladies, theres nothing like talking to women who've been through it themselves. Do they let you use as much gas and air as you want then?
Haha, I felt guilty as well, taught him to play on his own :lol:

Hmmm... I don't know about the whole pain relief thing. If it meant a bit of a longer labour (as long as the baby's fine) and no pain I would choose that I think... Although I had epi and still 14 hours of pain, made me wonder if I had been in the same kind of pain for less time without the epi. xx
I haven't tried G&A but I've heard how it has made so many women feel so sick they decided to stop using it during labour. I think I was sick at some point as well, can't remember that part very well :lol:
G&A at first makes you feel a bit dizzy and dries your mouth out a bit and think thats why some people feel sick with it! I was a bit like that at first but carried on with it and after the first few contractions my body got used to the drunk feeling and i didnt feel sick at all! I think it varies from hospital to hospital but where i went the gas and air comes from a giant central tank rather than an individual cylinder in your room so they couldnt really tell how much id used lol!! The midwife isnt with you for most of the tims so you can just grab it if you want it once its switched on. I think that as long as baby is fine if its helping you cope they pretty much advise you to go heavy on it! My midwife actually told me to take massive deep breaths of it rather than just breathing it like i was doing initially!! Gives you something to concentrate on as well as it being a pain killer! Love the stuff!!
Work is rubbish but I had a look today that if I wanted to, I could start maternity leave in 15 weeks, wahey!!! :dance: x

Thats great that your so optimistic, will have to start thinking like that!! :lol:

Nic xx
Nic - I am getting really fed up with work so I am trying real hard to find the bright sides :lol: xx
Yep, i had a private scan at 16 weeks and saw his boy bits!! :blue:

Ahh, my ex partner wasnt the biological father of Hayden either, Haydens dad isnt involved at all, and thats the way i like it if im honest!! Haha. But my ex didnt really have anything to do with Hayden, if that makes sense, we had only just started the relationship, so imagine my shock when i found out! So im glad now that Hayden didnt get attached as we'v split up now and yesssss it is most definently final. if im honest, id rather him walk away, be so much easier.. but then in another sense, 2 kids on my own, not good.. I wouldnt cope i dont think.

Ohhh, i dont think g+a was that bad to be honest, made me a bit sick but i put that down to chocolate buiscuits that i was bein force fed as i hadnt eaten all day!!

Oo, how exciting, 2 boys! You're gonna have a mad house! :lol:

Probably very hard with 2 kids on your own but then again what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger and who needs men anyway, it's like having another baby :lol: Hope my OH won't read this now :lol: All I mean is that obviously it is so much easier when there's 2 of you but when the relationship is not working then it's not worth the stress. Does Hayden kind of understand that he's having a little brother? Brandon laughs every time I show him scan pictures but I don't think he really understands :lol:

I didn't eat anything either and if I remember correctly they don't advise you to eat anyway with epidural :think:

Haha, mad house indeed! With it being just me and Hayden - we sort of have our own little routine, where nobody can interrupt it. Living on my own with 2 will be the same, except il get more breaks haha.
Well I showed hayden my scan pictures, and he wwas like saying 'ahhh baby' then I said, is that your little brother, and he said no, quite firmly haha. He's lovley with the dogs and my friends newborn so I'm hoping he will be with his lil bro. I think he will be protective tho. Do you Brandon will be?

I remember I used to love that when I was on my own with Brandon, do stuff together and no one said that you shouldn't do this or you should do it that way, just me and him :)
Ahhh, bless him! I am sure he will love it! Will be good for both of them! He'll get to be the big important big brother! I think Brandon will be good too, he pushes our cats of the chairs etc but with his newborn cousins he is really good so fingers crossed it'll all go well :)
Gosh I am getting so fed up work, thought I might not take my mat leave as early as possible... def starting to change my mind now.

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