I need help , I'm on my last nerve today


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2010
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I don't know what's going on with aoibheann lately . It's this outright refusal to eat . For example today I made her favourite dinner and put it in front of her . No luck , instead she screamed for bread . I told her no and left her to sit in front of her food until we had finished eating and then excused her from the table hungry . This is just going on and on now and I'm frustrated . I don't want to starve her but I don't want to give in .

I'm refusing to giver her any kind of treat or snack right now and I'm not making a big deal , if she eats I praise her if not I tell her that's all there is until her next meal . But what more can I do ! She eats her breakfast and her fruit for lunch and has lots of milk but it can't be enough I know it sounds pathetic but I really am upset can anyone give me an idea how to deal with this behavior , she's very well behaved normally but mealtimes are starting to become a nightmare c
My little girl who's 4 is exactly the same. She eats 3 dinners. That's all the variety and if I make something else she will rarely try it. I was really concerned as although she'll eat breakfast and lunch, she has such a limited taste for dinners. My doctor said give her the favourites and I did but I really regret it. She's gonna end up on that fussy eaters show :(
Sorry that was no help at all was it

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Actually it's nice to know I'm not the only one :hugs: I reckon I'm not going to cave and give her "favourites" but I just don't know what to do . I don't know if I should punish her with the naughty chair , I kind of think that by doing that I'm only creating a bad attitude towards eating Iykwim ?
I would say don't give her the favourites. As a very fussy eater who was catered to as a child I'm still a nightmare at 34!

I've seen on super nanny that children won't starve themselves so you can send her to bed without dinner. I think punishment might make her dig her heels in depending how stubborn she is (I did this & still do)

I would personally leave her to it, put her dinner in front if her and if she doesn't want to eat then then don't make her or get stressed about it, but if she asks you later for something remind her that you made her dinner and she didn't want it do can't have anything else
That's sort of what I was thinking , either eat it or don't but I'm not going to stress you or me out ? when I say her favourites I think what I mean is I'm not offering an alternative to whats on her plate , if it was up to her she would like on bread and fruit .
Don't worry about it she won't starve herself my cousins are 10 and 3 are the fussiest eaters ever and that's because their parents always give in. If she needs it she'll eat when maisies going through a fussy stage I switch her meals around so she'll have a large cooked meal at lunch and snackie things for dinner xxx

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My eldest is quite fussy and I believe I had a hand in that !! He was prem and has always been small so used to give into him just to get food into him !!! I now make dinner and he either eats it or goes without and only gets biscuits before bed of he has eaten it worked well and fairly quickly !! He is a stubborn bugger !! Like the girls have said your lo won't let herself starve stick to your guns Hun !! Mummy always wins in the end ! Xxx

M is the same, he would live of cheesy pasta if i let him. He has a good breakfast/lunch and if he refuses dinner he goes without now... I cant deal with the stress of it! I did give in and give him fruit/ things he likes instead but from now on no!! He has to learn to eat what hes given or nothing......Could u possibly cut back her milk? She could be filling up/pacifying with milk! M hasnt had milk before bed or during the day for months and ive also cut out afternoon snack so i know by dinnertime he is deffo hungry (even tho he refuses to eat!!)
Oscar is the same, he would live on cheerios if he could :wall2: He's ok with his main dinners as long as they are the ready mades like HiPP or Organix toddler meals, but whatever we eat he acts like he's sscared of it. BUT he will eat at nursery, whatever his ladies offer him he eats so he can do it, he just tries to see what he can get away with at home. I hate tea time the most, he won't eat any kind of sandwich or anything and I hate the thought of him going to bed on an empty stomach so I am the weak link then and end up giving in to him. sily mummy!
She def won't starve her self just keep offering but she will eventually eat but don't punish as it will probably give her an aversion to food, it will ease and she will eat properly again hugs xxx

My lo eats well but he's also started refusing things recently. He won't eat sandwiches but will eat part of mine... I'm not to sure whether he has his last teeth coming through as he tends to go off food around then! He also asks for stuff alot more now mainly fruit but I try to ignore it if it's not mealtimes or snacktime!

I wouldn't punish her but I'd try not to make a big deal of it as somedays were hungrier than others. My oh's cousins daughter will eat plain pasta and chips and a ham sandwich and that is about it apart from the naughty foods! I don't know how she cooks as she has 3 kids and 2 eat hardly anything but the youngest is the worst!
Actually it's nice to know I'm not the only one :hugs: I reckon I'm not going to cave and give her "favourites" but I just don't know what to do . I don't know if I should punish her with the naughty chair , I kind of think that by doing that I'm only creating a bad attitude towards eating Iykwim ?

I would put the food on the plate in front of her, sit down (I'm assuming everyone eats together), and ignore her. Make conversation between you all but if she starts whining or messing I'd ignore that and carry on your conversation/meal.

My friend has a 12 year old who eats nothing. And I mean nothing. The biggest reason is because of all the attention that is heaped onto him when he's refusing/messing about/screaming/crying etc and because he has had this attention from a really young age he's used to it.
When DS recently went through a picky stage I realised DH was making a big fuss over him trying to cajole him into eating and I immediately put a stop to it. I would dish out dinner (it was always dinner!) everyone would sit down, we'd chat, laugh, eat and when DS messed about we ignored him. He was soon picking up his fork and eating again!
I cant see tickers so dont know how old she is but can she maybe help you cook we did this with my stepson at 4 he would just stand and watch daddy cut and put things in pans ( cold of course) if we have things like fish or a pie he put it on a tray we would encourage him to try veg cold eventually he would eat anything it took time tho but now he loves coming to daddys and making his own dinner. It was bad to start he would only eat chicken nuggets chips and spaghetti.

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How is she now Hun? Odhran started saying "don't like it" to everything I put in front of him. I knew he liked it so I literally ignored it and left whatever it was on his table, he picked at bits and after a week or so it stopped. Not quite sure what it was x

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