I need advice some advice about my dog

how about crate training him? I know some people find it cruel but out collie loved her crate it was her safe place to get away from the kids (only went in there when we went out, bed etc)

Just a thought though :hug:
mrs_tommo22 said:
poochielove said:
I remember feeling like this a few times :hug: Knocker my grey is also petrified of old men in hats so he couldnt be around my grandad and jumps around in circles on a walk if he sees an old man. I have had him for 3 years now and he has improved so much, he now wags his tail when when he sees people he knows (old men or not) it just takes him a really long time to get to know men. Bloody trainers have ALOT to answer for!

First of all thank you for replying! I thought you might have a better idea being a fellow grey lover! This is our problem, danny has obviously been beaten - you should see the scars on his legs :( He has a issue with men and my oh inparticular and its sad and disheartening for me and oh. Dannys so lovely and has some great moments when its just me and thr kids at home. If i ever meet this trainer at the tracks i swear to god il beat him and see how he likes it. My poor dog wet himself today he was so frightend - ie why the carpet needs replacing.

As for the peeing, is something scaring him? The reason i ask is Knocker got really bad seperation anxiety (which is the reason he sleeps in the bedroom now :roll: ) he couldnt be left downstairs at night to sleep (p*ss n poop EVERYWHERE) or at night...although was fine in the day :think: . Anyway if he heard so much as a bang of a door from next door or a car backfiring he would pee/poop where he was standing (particulary fireworks). He once pee'd on the bed and i didnt realise till i got in it :puke: . He also sometimes does this at night as he is too lazy to go out in the cold! :shock: Also he can't go very long without being kicked outside to go to the toilet, he is only 7 but cant seem to hold it for very long anymore.

The peeing i swear happens when hes scared, nervous - he picks up on moods so easily. We actually live in a bungalow so the bedroom door is always open as Mias bed is in there (can fit them both but she likes it to herself :lol: ) so dannys is in the kitchen which is right next too our bedroom. He has a wander in and out and is generally loads better at night thrn he was before. Mia asks to go to the loo, iw whining crying till one of us wakes up and lets her out and danny will go too. They also have ten mins at night to relieve themselves as i leave the backdoor open while I get ready for bed. No issues with the weather - he will go out whatever the weather and stay out there - i have to go out and chase him in sometimes!

[quote:3gmg0bwx]Last thing to suggest is the vets? Maybe he has something wrong in the toilet department :think: i dunno all out of ideas, all i know is Knocker pretty much rectified his own problems once we got Blue who is much more out going and seemed to help him settle down. Although he is still mega anxious.

I have spoke to Barbara which runs my local RGT and she is ringing someone as she was pretty vague and said there is something they can give him. Not sure what but i hope she rings me back soon.

Thanks for replying poochie :)

I hope you get it sorted :hug:

Its always a gamble getting a rescue dog but with getting a greyhound it is ten times worse as most of them have never been in a house with being working dogs and kept in crates. Its hard trying to house train an older dog aswell.

The crate idea is good as supposedly they wont mess where they sleep...although i cant say this is true for Knocker!

We didnt really do loads with Knocker just socialised him with people and took him round peoples houses and he knows all friends and family now but if a stranger comes in the house he runs upstairs and hides.

I hate the way some trainers treat them as they are gorgeous dogs and so friendly, this is why i dont agree with greyhound racing anymore.

I really hope you get it sorted babe as i bet he loves you so much for providing him with a nice home for his retirement :hug: :hug: :hug:
I hope you get it sorted. Danny sounds lovely.

I have a similar problem with my rescue dog. We've just moved house and she's unsettled and nervy and has a bit of a problem with weeing and pooing in the house but she's getting better.

And I've taken shares out in carpet cleaners and scourers :shakehead:
mrs_tommo22 said:
VickiH said:
Well... I love dogs and would never give up on one so I'd put effort into training him! You don't say how old he is or how many walks he's getting a day but it's very early days in terms of him living with you and there's a good chance he's pushing boundaries at the moment to see how far he can push you!

I think being blunt, the question is are you willing and able to put the time into turning his behaviour around? If not you may as well give him up as he'll only end up trashing your house and driving you mad!

with all due respect i have a greyhound already. i walk them at 5am and again at 6pm they have a hour every single daym, are let off their leads to race. Hes 2.

He has been beaten by his previous trainer and is scared of my oh - because hes a man. I go outside with him when he has done his business, praise him, give him treats and have done this consistantly and hes getting worse.

I cant put up with him p*ssing all over my carpet - it stinks and is unhygienic and i cant let my baby play in the lounge today because the floor wet.

Is it fair to keep him when hes scared of my oh and isnt getting better?

Really sorry if I offended :oops: You asked for an opinion and I gave you one! I didn't mean to upset you!
Actually vicky its fine, no worries. I was very emotional and upset yesterday about it :hug:

He was fine though yesterday after the mess and kept myself very calm with him. Let him out every hour without fail and he was fine and even had a little tail wag when oh came home yesterday!!! you could still see though when oh got down to his level that danny would take off but oh was very good with him and no more pees.

And none today.

Seriously though - how could i let go of this gorgeous boy?




Still waiting for someone to get back to me though :(
I think he is so gorgeous! He reminds me so much of Knocker. Black greyhounds are just beautiful :hug:

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