I may be coming bacck here (sad) (long post sorry) UPDATED


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2007
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Hi everyone

For anyone who doesn't know my story behind this i'll recap on dates etc in a minute but i just wanted to ask if anyone knows what the earliest is something would show up on a trans-vaginal scan?

I went to the doctors yesterday as i had been getting bad tummy pains really low down and a pain/ache in my left shoulder that went all down my left arm and made it feel heavy and weak and no matter what i did i just couldn't relax it.I also had a coupleof bouts where i suddendly felt all shaky and like i could pass out. Anyway after a good talk with the locum doctor (who was very good and was pregnant too which i must say helped) she thought my pain was maybe to do with constipation although i don't think i'm constipated!
The pain i was getting was on waking, did wonder if it had anything to do with holding my pee in but i even doubled over for a few seconds not long after i got up. When going to toilet if i had to push at all it felt inside like a blockage, i wasn't straining when i said pushing i was merely trying to explain to her how it felt, even to fart it hurt. I went to sainsburys and could even feel it when walking and when i got back to the car and sat down it hurt too like there was a metal grid right down low that wouldn't budge and if i pressed against it, it hurt like hell. Well anyway she gave me some lactilose (sp?) She told me she didn't think it would be an ectopic as these generally happen around 9-12 weeks and i am only 7w 2days (going by my lmp, by O i reckon i'm 6 weeks) but said it couldn't be ruled out. If i had any bleeding, pain, fainting etc then go straight back or to A&E, well anyway last night about 8pm i went to the loo and there was pinky/red mucous on wiping so of course i went to A&E. They told me they would give me a scan in the morning, if i was starting to miscarry or anything there was nothing they could do anyway and its natures way of getting rid of something that isn't right, well fair enough i could understand this.If anything changed or got worse in the night i was to go straight back.

I had a scan booked in for 9am this morning. I talked to the nurse before i went in and told her i thought i was only 6 weeks so she said they'd probably have to do an inter vaginal scan, i agreed. Well they scanned my tummy 1st and i could see her measuring something and thought all was ok and she turned to me and said she could not see anything that represented a pregnancy so they'd do the other scan. This showed nothing either. I asked if she could tell if i'd lost the baby and she said if she'd scanned me last week and saw something she could have said yes but as she hadn't scanned me before she couldn't tell anything. I asked what she was measuring and she said little fluid filled sacs???

Anyway I had to see the doctor after the scan. She said there was nothing they could tell me at this stage but because i came off the pill, am still breastfeeding and we don't know for sure when i O'd my dates could be wrong, this is why i want to know when the earliest a scan will pick something up, even a sack or anything.

She aslo said ectopic could nopt be ruled out, it could be a failing pregnancy or tubal.

This is what was put on my notes...
scan- endometrium is thickened in the fundus of the uterus, this may represent haemorridge or may be an endometrial reaction. Both ovaries appear normal. There is a simple cyst within the pouch of douglas. An ectopic cannot be excluded...

she took my bloods for hcg levels and i have to go back at 10am thurs to get them re-done. She did say again if anything changed i was to go straight back. She would only ring me if my numbers gave her reason too, like if they were too high the doctor might want me admitted to do a thorough vaginal scan/examination. She hasn't rung so i'm hoping things are ok. She felt my tummy and said it was soft, i did get pain a bit on one side which she asked if it was when she pushed down or released, it was when she released. (anybody know what this means??) She also said this happens a lot, some it turns out ok others it doesn't, she was sorry there was nothing she could really tell me atthis point except to follow the test procedures with the bloods and possibly, depending on those results do another scan in 10 days.

Well the loss turned brown last night and i had nothing today and felt ok ish apart from a dull ache in my left hip/thigh and round my lower back a bit like trapped wind.

I just feel like i'm being tortured, it didn't help that a young girl went in before me and came out crying cause she had been bleeding heavily and thought she'd lost her baby and she saw the heartbeat, there's me lost a little and saw nothing!

I feel lost and confused, i'm racking my brains about dates but can't think how it could be any different...here are my dates etc ....

3rd feb - LMP
4th feb - came off mini-pill
23 feb - BD
25 feb - BD (then lost sex drive)
26 feb - ovulation??
9th mar - 9dpo faint line on a test but was found 24 hours later so not reliable also BD (i think)
10 mar - BD (i think)
12 mar - 14 dpo fmu negative
14 mar - 16dpo faint positive in pm (sainsbury 25 mui test)
15 mar - 17 dpo faint pos fmu sainsbury test (25mui)/poundland test faint positive evening (25 mui)
16 mar - poundland test fmu slightly darker pos/sainsbury test 2nd mu slight dkr pos
17 mar - 10dpo ebay 10mui test faint pos
18 mar - 20 dpo sain dkr pos, could clearly see its positive.
well i think it was about 3 days ago now i did another ebay test and it came up nearlt as dark as the test line and saturday i think it was i did another and it was as dark as the test line.

how long (if i was losing this pregnancy) would the line start to go lighter again?

sorry it was a long post but i just don't know what else to do and wondered if anyone could help me stay sane

thaks so much girls, babydust toyou all

i forgot to say i also had 1 tiny red spot on wiping again tonight.
i dont really know what to say except how horrible that must've been to go through, i had an internal scan because of bleeding at 6 weeks 2 days and i could see a little blob and a heart beat, so i dont know what to say. i guess its just a waiting game. Hope you're ok :hug:
Thanks hun, i guess the next 36 hours are gonna feel like forever :wall:

Sorry wrong forum but thought this might help

When i was about 7 1/5 weeks with Conal i had a brownish discharge and called the hospitlal they told me they couldn't do anything till the morning so the next day i went for a scan and they could see the heart beat and said everything ok but oviousley couldn't guarentee anything, The next day i had a bright red bleed and it got les and less over about 4 days, i didn't go back to the hospital i was too scared but COnal turned out to be fine he was 12 weeks early but apart from patience he is perfect.

My sister also went for an early scan as she had treatment to concieve and the consultant told her that a heartbeat can't always be detected before 7 weeks.

Hope everything is ok for you :hug:
Hi Niki,

I don't have any advice I'm afraid, but I just wanted to let you know that I'll be thinking of you over the next couple of days. Can you keep us updated?

I don't know if you've done this already - but it might also be worth posting this in the 1st tri board or Ask a Mum to see if anyone else who might not visit this board, has been through anything similar?


Valentine xxx
So sorry moomoo, a simliar thing happened to us at the end of last year and the previous january, but we never had a positive test so we never knew officially if I actually was pregnant or not.

I tried to look at it from the point of view that it obviously wasnt meant to be, something wasnt right and nature was just doing its thing.

We're all here for you hun, please let us know how you are today :hug:
thanks valentine.

I've also posted this on the 1st tri and the coping with loss board.

I just don't really know what to think at the moment. I got up this morning and really felt 'wrong' down there, and my back just felt like i was going to get af. It just seems like i'm getting a bit more cm again, i guess i'll just have to wait it out but i will keep you all updated.

oh moomoo i'm feeling for you :( i cant offer advice jus want you to know i'm thinking of you at this horrible time :hug:
Hi Moomoo,

Sorry to hear that you're going through all this - no wonder you're anxious. I can't comment on your symptoms, but I just wanted to say that with my first son, I went for my first scan at around 13 weeks and they couldn't find anything on there. They then decided to do the trans-vaginal scan and it still took them some time to locate him, even at that stage of pregnancy. They said it was because I had a tilted womb. My son is now 10, so he WAS in there.

As well as the position of your uterus, I also read that if you have a lot of gas in your bowel, that can affect the ultrasound waves of the scan - I think this may be because they rely on the "noise" in your pelvic region to get a picture and if it's too noisy in your bowel, it can make scanning more difficult? I'm not sure, but I read it's best to have an early scan at a time (perhaps early morning) when there is less gas in your bowel.

I was also reading about ectopic pregnancy on the internet the other day, because I had pains on one side and was a bit worried myself last week. I remember one of the sites stating that the discharge (if any) in an ectopic pregnancy IS brown, but it is usually watery, like "prune juice". You haven't mentioned yours being like that, so I'm hoping that's a good sign for you.

I can't give you any answers (even the health professionals can't at this stage), but I just wanted to say that there might be other possibilities why your scan didn't show very much.

I hope that you get some definite answers soon, because the waiting and not knowing must be worse. I'm thinking about you.

oh moomoo, i'm so sorry i dont have any advice for you because i havent been through what you are going through.

i just wanted to let you know i am thinking of you and i hope it all works out.

:hug: :hug:
Thanks girls,

I've just been to the loo and seems i'm starting to bleedagain, more reddy thid time too likeaf is here so i'm not holding out much hope.

I have lower dull backache and also up in the top of my back across my shoulders there is a dull uncomfortable ache.

I read that a miscarriage you canget dull lower back ache and may cramps...

i'll let you know if anything hnages but i jyst have a 'gut feeling' i'm no longer pregnant or not much longer anyway :cry:
Hi hun im so sorry you are goin through this and i hope everything turns out ok for you. thinking of you xxxx :hug: :hug:
thinkin of you babes - if you need to talk you know where i am :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry you're going through hell hun :( :hug:

Thinking of you :hug:
my heart is bleeding for you huni, i hope all turns out ok,

can i say something that might make u feel better.. hope so..

When i fell pregnant with all my babies i had all the symptoms your experiencing, every time i thought this was it, went to the docs had scans etc, most of the time they told me they couldnt see anything or they thought it was ectopic..

But this is the good bit.. some ladies when they fll pregnant do bleed when the egg implants in the womb, its called sheding and its the wombs way of getting rid of anything that shouldnt be there ready for the baby...

All i can do is wish you luck, i know its hard to say but dont worry.. fingers crossed and big hugs
hun, i dont have any advice. but i really feel for you :( i so hope things turn out ok for you :hug:

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