I know I've already mentioned this but...


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2006
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I am getting this dull ache under my left armpit and am just wondering if this is normal - I already mentioned it in the feeling fat thread, but I wanted to put it on its own so that everyone can see it. I am worried about ectopic pregnancy (for no reason in particular - only I have turned into a big worrier!)
im sure its not connected to an ectopic pregnancy but if you are really worried about it phone the hospital or your midwofe. Just to set your mind at ease. :)
I don't have a midwife yet, so I might just see how the pain goes and go from there. I don't know why I have it in my head that something bad is going to happen!
With an ectopic you possibly would be spotting and the place that they mention to look out for is your shoulder. Also you would get stabbing pains in the lower abdomen (I think)

PM wobbles (hope you mind me using your name char) as I know she has been through this :cry: and she is so helpful.

Take care if in any doubt though ring the NHS helpline or egt to A&E that is what they are there for. Or tomorrow ring your hospital and ask to be put through to the EPAU unit to get yourself in the system
Everyone is just so supportive in here - thanks! I am so glad I stumbled upon this site!!
hun the pain in your arm pit could just be your bbs growing due to pregnancy :hug: try not to worry too much xxx
Or also possibly a blocked duct? I used to get them just before AF and could feel a small lump under the skin.
rest assured the baby will not be developing in your armpit :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
let us know how you're feeling missac. Keep in touch :hug:

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