I know it's too early, but I think I felt Pip move!


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2010
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I woke up at around 6 am this morning, from thirst or needing to pee or something, and I was lying with my hand on my lower stomach (like I often do nowadays :P) and I suddenly felt something that felt as if I had the pink/purple terry's chocolate orange with those little things inside that pop in my lower abdomen. It was popping a little bit here and a little bit there. I also thought it felt a bit like there was a tiny tap dancer in there but definitely not hard or powerful taps! I've hear people compare it to popcorn popping before, and it was like that, just smaller, so more like the popping sweets :P

I felt some gas at the same time, and to me gas moves more in a rolling way, and in a direction, and usually on either side or further back, but this was random pops towards the front of my lower abdomen, not moving in a direction but a little to the left, then a litle to the right, then centre, then right then left, you know, randomly, but still in a pretty small area, basically right where they placed the "thing" they used during the ultrasound...

I haven't felt it before or since, but hoping to feel it again, and feel it get stronger to kind of confirm that that might have actually been Pip..!

What do you think? Can I actually have felt my baby at 12 weeks and 2 days??
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ooooo, I don't know whether it could be or not, but all the people I know who have been pregnant have described movement exactly like this!! My mum said she could feel movement from 14 weeks, so you wouldn't be far off that!! it could be!! how exciting :D x x x
My friend felt her daughter from 11 weeks.
I actually felt something similar to this and my midwife was like, "No you can't feel the baby yet". I'm adamant I felt her though :) Could well be! It's definitely like a popping sensation. Grace is kicking now really strong and every so often it's like a pop. xxx
I felt very faint movements at 11 weeks but was just feathery feelings inside.
It might be:) I had my scan today, and the baby was moving a lot:) Great to see! Can't wait to feel it:)
I am convinced that I felt movements the other day. I was laying in bed and had really sensations that I had never had before. They felt like I was being tickled or stroked inside.

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