I know everyone feels like this but...


Mar 31, 2008
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I cant stop worrying that something is going to go wrong. This is my first baby and i am about 6 1/2 weeks. I am healthy, dont smoke, had lost 2 stone prior to conception so am at my ideal weight but still cant stop worrying. I am annoying myself let alone my partner! Anyone else feel like this...?
I understand where you are coming from but I personally have tried my best not to worry. I know its easier said than done, but you really should try to relax and enjoy it... :hug: :hug: :hug:
I really am going to try, after all what will be will be. Im fine when my boyf is there but its when im on my own I start to stress!
It is normal to have concerns, I was very worried and it's never gone away! I'm still worried... It is normal though hun :hug:
I still worry now, and i wasnt even certain i wanted my baby when i first found out. :hug: :hug:
It's a good thing that we care, just wish it woudltn mean sleepless nights lol.
Its does get easier nto to worry when you've seen baby, and when you start feeling them. Somehow i think i mgoing ot be worrying ofr the rest of my life though lol
I think that part of it is because it wasnt planned...my partner and I arent even living together yet (he is going to move in the next couple of months). I will definately feel better when I have had my scan but thats weeks off yet!

If i worry this much during pregnancy what am I going to be like as a mother! hahaha doesnt bear thinking about
I am still worrying now even though I've seen my bean and I'm 10 and half weeks now so my chances of m/c have fallen to about 2%.

I've realised that from the minute you find out your PG you'll probably worry for ever!

I know I'll worry all the way through my PG, through the birth and then throughout the babies childhood and even when they reach adulthood. I guess it's just part of being a parent

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