Cant stop worrying


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
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I know everyone is paranoid but I just cant stop worrying about things - this morning felt not as sick as yesterday and the thought creeps into my mind straight away. Every time I go to the loo, I am scared (it doesnt help I had the situation with bleeding on Sunday)

It wasnt like that the I was PG first time, now it's because of the bad experience.

Just ranting really, want to stop worrying and believe thing will be ok, bur scared to believe until 12 weeks in case things go wrong.

Am I going mad?
No you are not going mad hun and its natural. I still check everytime I go to the loo wondering if I'll see blood :( this was due to a mc in april. Also every twinge and ache panics me something rotten!! Think once uve had a bad experience its hard to forget but makes me sooo thankful and not to taker being preg for granted! X
Hi we are due around the same time. Stop worrying am sure everything will be fine worrying doesnt do you any good i no its hard not to worry. When you go to your first scan then you will be able to relax and not worry. Its just getting through the first 12 weeks. xx
I'm in the same frame if mind. This is my first pregnancy and I haven't had any blood etc but quite a fee stretchy cramps. I'm also on knicker watch, can't wait to get past the 12 week mark, really want ti enjoy pregnancy and not spend it freaking out about every little thing :-(
I think we are all in the same paranoid boat together, you aren't alone xx:hug:
I'm a as guilty as hell of all the above too. Can't be good for us, can it.
We have to think a bit more positively ladies, don't we!
Yeh we do, but I wonder how?? When we see all the things that can go wrong *sigh*
Its awfull isnt it!! Checking for bleeding all the time every little strech or twinge were worrying. Its all natural i suppose and our bodys are making our babies so its all to be expected! Just think to yourself "i am amazing" :)) Best wishes to you all :) xxxxxx

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