I knew this would happen! Rant!


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Yet again my family want us to go round to them visiting. And after yesterday's mess I don't want to take Bertie too far from home today. The only person who's been over is my best mate (twice) and I haven't heard from her for over a week!

I'm sick of the one doing all the running around and ringing people. My mum rung me the other day moaning that they hadn't seen the baby for ages (3 times since he's been born), I said there's nothing wrong with them coming over here (5 mile drive) cos I'm still not driving and she said it's awkward cos we don't have our own place. I kept my mouth shut but if my sister or mum shared a house with others it wouldn't stop me going round. It's just a shit excuse in my opinion. Twice dad was meant to pick us up last week, once he just didn't turn up and the second time they cancelled :(

I'm sick of being forgotten. Every time we've invited mum and dad over for lunch when the in laws have been away they've said no cos they are busy with my sister and her boys. A couple of years ago they all went out for Mother's Day, all my brothers and everyone and didn't even invite me!

I've done my crying on my own, my worrying on my own. Whenever I talk to my mum about any worries with Albert she talks to me like I'm a moron. I couldn't get a word in last time and had to shout at her to get her to shut up and listen

I'm so tempted not to bother any more. I don't even think that Albert is missing out on very much, I'm not having them let him down constantly as he gets older and breaking his heart too xxxxxxx
aww hun it sucks huh, whatever you do someone loses out. my mate has cancelled on me 5 times now so i know the feeling but i cant advise as my family are brill if a bit scared to butt in lol
Aw hun sorry your having such a hard time :-( don't have any advice sorry :-( but I totally agree people should make the effort to come see you!! You have a baby they don't I would be fuming if ppl made excuses to me like that!! Xxxx
I don't really know what to say :( its sad that you feel left out. The only thing I can think of is telling them directly how they are making you feel xx
Sorry chicky. I agree with princess. :hug: x

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We have family who moan that they rarely see Oscar, apparently we should deliver him to them as they sit upon their royal thrones surveying all their land!!! Pisses us off as it's easier for them to come to us, and whenever OH does make the effort they're never there anyways :wall2: And if they do decide to come to us they always turn up unannounced, usuallly either at lunch or tea time!!
I have the same thing with OHs dad, he never visits us but visits his sister (just round the corner). Z was scared of him at one point cos he hardly knows him, I was secretly glad! Why are families so difficult? They are the ones missing out. If it is upsetting you, you should talk to them xxx
My dads never met Tyler.

This whole family think sucks ass big time when you have a baby!

Hope your ok!

Jasons family is the same. His mum is retired his dad works part time. They have seen AJ twice in 7 weeks. He has 6 sisters and only one has seen AJ when he was 2 weeks old. Some of my cousins haven't even seen AJ. Family to me is the people who support you the rest can bugger off!!!!!!
Understand how you feel, what I do is my own thing and let them get on with it. You have your own family to think of first and they should come second. If they can't make the effort then why should you. Like you said you don't want them to get into the habit of letting Albert down. On the positive perhaps they think they're doing you a favour inviting you round so that you don't have to cook??????? Big hugs xxx
Oh hun.

That doesn't sound very good :( families can be a bit shit at times.

They are missing out big time x
Sorry to hear about them hun, its awful they are like that. Personally I wouldn't bother talking to them as I honestly think they sound like the type of characters to still blame your feelings on you and dismiss that they are doing anything wrong, you will be hitting your head against a brick wall tyring to get them to understand where you are coming from and you do not need the stress.
Just leave it to them, if they really want to see him then they will make the effort don't put pressure on yourself thinking its up to you, you have enough to deal with at the moment. xxxx
I would simply say "Its easier for me if you come here, you are welcome anytime as long as you give me notice, I'll leave it up to you to let me know when you want to come. You either want to come and see him or you dont, it's totally up to you".

Be a bit passive agressive, put the onus on them to make the effort and then be quite sarky about not acutally expecting that they will, your mum will probably feel guilty and come round!

Then sit back and see what happens... :hug: xxx
Hi Hun, I think you should be honest with your mom and tell her how you feel, and explain you understand that it can be awkward if your sharing a house etc but her input is very important to you. Could you meet out of the house for a coffee?

Don't let an argument turn into a war, she's your mom and remember all the sleepless nights, back aches, sickness oh and the immense love you feel for your lo she felt for you. Lifes to short xxx

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