i just want to sleep


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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im so tired but am really struggling to sleep.

i have a squishie pillow that i put under my belly but can't get comfy.

tonight i can't switch off eother seem to be having too much on my mind all the time.

argh sorry pointless thread just so annoying how tired i am. xxx
I can't sleep tonight either but I feel knackered! Very annoying! Hope you sleep soon! X

I should be going to sleep but I'm addicted to PF and after my afternoon nap I'm not sure how easily I'm going to drop off! Really must try though as I've got a bit of a headache and I need to be up at 7 for work in the morning so night night xx
I struggle to get to sleep by 2am these days. My OH gave me my iPad bday present a month early so I have something to do when he goes to sleep so I end up playing with that for ages lol I'm like a child xx
I remember those horrible sleepless nights :( but when the baby comes you'll be able to sleep no problem :) try a camomile tea before bed, it worked for me and I still have one every night.
oh dear... i am getting uncomfy at night too..i've got one of those bump and leg cusions but it feels like i lay on my side for about 2 seconds before it gets achy and i have to swap to the other side... then onto my back... back onto my side.. etc etc etc and it feels like i'm just changing sides all night long. By the monring my back aches and it is such a relief to sit up again.

Luckily i don't appear to have the massive puffy swollen feet and hands yet that i got last time! and no piles yet eitherso some positives!!!!
I was up last night coughing then couldnt breathe through nose. Weeing lots as well. I may go back to bed.once I've done the school run x x
im the same with the changing sides etc. think i got 2-3 hours in total. i didnt need to be up till late today but couldnt just lay in bed anymore. xxx
Ditto ditto ditto. have stayed off work this morning I am so knackered. x
yep same here, OH is working away for 2 days and i was restless and lonely!! x
Changing sides is a nightmare I swear its.taking me longer.to do it. Lol x x
Too right changing sides is a nightmare, trying to get up quietly for the toilet at 3 and 5 am is a nightmare also, its just not possible! i feel like a roly poly! hehe. my other half just laughs at me, he has no idea!! :lol: I didn't get much sleep last night either, so totally shattered at work today :(. bought some fudge for a sugar hit later when I start lagging.
Lol love it fudge is the way forward lol.
I could see everytime I rolled over or.went to the loo I coughed.dh woke but never.said anything.which for him was good he.gave me the.cold.so he.can put.up with the repercussions lol. He dare face.the wrath of a pregnant women lol x x

I'm glad it's not just me that can't sleep. I'm 35 weeks and finding it really hard to stay asleep after dropping off quite quickly. I'm absolutely exhausted too.

I really, really would like to go for a nap after lunch but I know I won't sleep tonight if I do. It's a no win situation for me:wall2:
I'm afraid this could be how it is for you for the rest of tri 3 hun....for months now the worst nights I get are 2 or 3 hours and the best are about 5 hours....this is from a girl who used to sleep for 9 hours straight given the chance!! I often have to nap in the afternoon to catch up! Hope it's just a one off for you and you'll be back to peaceful sleep soon xx

I'm glad it's not just me that can't sleep. I'm 35 weeks and finding it really hard to stay asleep after dropping off quite quickly. I'm absolutely exhausted too.

I really, really would like to go for a nap after lunch but I know I won't sleep tonight if I do. It's a no win situation for me:wall2:

This is what I have...I have no trouble getting off to sleep but wake up an hour later wide awake...and this continues through the night! If I were you I'd take the nap this afternoon if you can....from experience I can tell you it makes no difference to how you sleep that night! I've tried staying up several times and then still don't sleep at night so now I just sleep whenever I can! xx
I second that ..... napping in the day doesnt make any difference to whether i sleep at night or not. Get ur kip in where you can ladies!! x
If i could have a nap today at work I would, I'm really struggling.. grrr. think anyone would notice if i had a snooze on my desk. :lol:

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