I just want to say..


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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How special and perfect my 2 daughters are!

I feel in the last feqw months most of my posts have been so 'moan moan moan' especially about Hannah.
Hannah has come on leaps and bounds in the last month of so. She is *almost* walking, she can stand up by her self now, she claps to answer me (when im guessing what she wants i say 'juice?' *hannah shakes head* 'bottle?' *hannah shakes head* 'dance?' *hananh jumps up down excited clapping hands!*

is truely amazing!

oh and she dances now to ALL music (shakes her hips and bum and waves hands) she responds to hugs, kisses, blows kisses, blows raspberrys, waves bye bye (propperly) she sticks her feet into your face when she wants them played with (lol)
she settles her self of a night completly now. (i just stick her in the cot with a bottle)
Of a morning shes soooo good,shell sit happily in her play pen keeping her self amused while i get myself and baby number 2 together.
She is constantly smiley and happy latley, we havent had a tantrum in weeks. She eating very well. (veg and everything!)
Im just sooo proud of her.
Oh and i went and bought clothes for her today and her size is...
waite for it...

24months!!!! seriously. Shes such a big clever girl. She dosnt even look like a baby anymore. :cry: :cry:
I really struggeled in the first few months with hananh, but now i just look at her and know she was worth every pain/heart ache.

and i aint half done a good job!! :D :D

I just felt the need to post somthign bloody postive as i feel i never really do - and i should because ive got 2 perfect beautiful baby girls :D :D :D
Awww Rachel I didn't even know you'd had little Emily yet I'm so behind on here just lately!

First of all CONGRATULATIONS! :cheer:

Your post brought tears to my eyes! Hannah sounds like such a clever little girl and I'm sure Emily is going to follow in her footsteps with such a brilliant mummy! I've read over your posts over the last few months and although I haven't always had time to reply to them, They don't come across as moaning at all to me!

You are doing an amazing job! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hey Rachel,

I think what comes across from your posts is what an amazing Mummy you are! Okay, you might not have chosen to have your children quite so close together, but that will reap rewards in the long term, I bet. You are a very special clever person and Hannah is obviously coming on leaps and bounds! She is so so clever - can we please see some recent pics of them both soon?

At least Hannah is growing quickly (not slowly like my DD who is struggling to leave 3-6 month sizes behind) so Emily can have her wardrobe (MUCH cheaper than if you had had a boy!).

Is it nice not to be pregnant for the first time in ages?

Valentine Xxx
Aaawwwwwwwwww that's such a lovely lovely post Rachel :hug: :) you got me crying too, in a nice way :hug: :) Hannah has always been so ahead she really did keep you on your toes, and you certainly deserved to get the strain of that off your chest, and you helped me, as I'm sure other Mummy's, see that its not all rosey and easy with a baby :hug:

Your Hannah is so so clever, you've helped her express that, you've let her blossom, you should be so very very proud of yourself, especially after going through those tough patches, and with Emily on her way too, well done!! :hug: :hug: :hug:

It is wonderful to see them so happy isn't it :D I'm so so pleased you're feeling so happy yourself too, and positive, its OK to have good days :wink: hehe but please let us be here for you for the not-so positive ones too :hug: And like V says, some pics would be lovely :D :cheer:

You've done a great job indeed !!!!

And V your Ella is perfectly beautiful in her size, its right for her, and she's so happy and haelthy don't you be concerned about it :hug: :hug: :hug:
what a lovely post from a lovely Mummy.............

your two girls are so lucky to have you :dance: :dance:

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