i just hurt myself


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2008
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hiys everyone, i was walking hom from my mums at 11pm...just now and i had to walk up a long flight of steps, well my foot came out of one of my stupid slip on shoes and i fell on my front, my belly took the brunt. i did feel a bit bruised but was ok. I have just been to the loo and i am bleeding on wiping :shock: is this to be expected? do you think i should go to the walk in ante natal surgery tomorrow? thanx for any help
Hi, I would go and get checked out. Things will prob be fine but its definitely best to get checked. For peace of mind at least.

Is there anyone you could call now for advice, nhs direct?
i'd ring your delivery ward up at the hospital, get their advice. i think nhs direct would tell you the same too.

hope it's all alright
everything is probably fine but I agree with the others, go and get checked out. hope your ok :hug:
Definately get yourself checked out Honey, even just for peace of mind.

Hope you're ok and let us know.

Sarah xxx
Hi hope you have gotten/are getting checked out and everything is ok! :hug:
feel great today. going to the surgery at 1.30 it's just a walk in appointment hopefully the midwife can put my mind at ease.. thanx everyone xx
aww oh dear, bloody shoes !
Hope everythings goes ok at yuor app but if you feel good then i think you'll both be fine :)
Aw glad you are feeling ok, something happened to me when I was Pg with DS, they did the LO heart beat and told me not to worry, they are very protected in there especially as LO still has lots of room.
Hopr it goes ok today.
Aww bless ya, hope you got on ok at your appointment x
Aw, you must have been so scared. Let us know how it went :)
Just read your post...hope you are okay, chick!!

Let us know :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Take it easy in the mean time and throw those shoes away!!

Julia xx

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