I just feel so zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz tired


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Good grief It feels like I have been pt under a spell, this weekend has deffo been the hardest, I went to bed last night at 6:30pm and slept (with wee wee wakings) until 10:30am then went back and only just got up.

Food in the evenings is now unbearable before it was only certain foods now i don't want anythuing...
Does anyone else feel like this? I know its for a good cause I don't mind that but just wondering if there is more I can do other then feeling like a zombie...

Hi Hon
poor you its horrible feeling tired but not wanting to eat anything
i felt the same when i was at your stage
i always tired wanting to have a midday nap at work having to stay awak then gettig home falling asleep before id ate.
I was off apticular food too.
i found what helped me was a fruit and lots of it
i had fruit yoghuts fruit bars, fruit smoothies, fresh fruit i must have had tripple my daily in take. and it helped me feel more wake and less drained.
Dont know this will be of any use to you sorry

I dont know if fruit is on your list of stuff youve gone off.?
Hope you feel better soon you'll get through it hon
big hugs from me
:hug: :hug: :hug: sarah
You're not alone don't worry! I'm struggling too!

It's horrible :( If we were tired and could sleep it off it wouldn't be so bad, it just feels like it's constant and no amount of sleep can tame it.

I went to sleep at about 2am, woke up at 11am, went back to sleep for a bit and woke up.

I've eaten a sandwich and had a cuppa, and now I'm ready for more!!

Ah dear, what joy! It's all worth it in the end though.

Hope we get some proper sleep soon and wake up feeling energized :sleep:

OH god i feel completely shattered too :( but i cant even sleep in :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I remember needing to nap at least 2 hours every afternoon just to be able to get through the day (I was a nanny to 4 kids) and did 12 hours days. The mother was very understanding and didn't mind me putting my feet up.

I used to then get home, unable to face food and go to bed by 8pm and sleep till the alarm went off next day (but still waking 8 times a night to wee :roll: ).

I think the main thing is to sleep or cat nap when you can. Even if its 20 minutes at work or snoozing in your car. Anything is better than feeling ill from being so tired.

Once your placenta is taking over from your body the extreme tiredness should start to pass. A few more weeks. Until then, eat well, sleep as much as you can, even if its for 12 hours a night and take it easy where possible.
I was exhausted and everyone said it would pass in 2nd trimester. Until around 18 weeks when people started saying 'every pregnancy is different' instead. The last 3 weeks I have been far less sleepy than before. I still can't do anything physical (not least because my pelvis and hips are so sore) but I can read all evening and things like that.

Get OH to do all the house things, including cooking. I had macaroni cheese everyday for a very long time but OH now has at least 5 different meals he can make :rotfl: Put your feet up at every possibility. Sleep when you want to. You're sleeping for 2 now :D :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks for the advice girls, about to go into the bath now and relax then most likely off to bed, absolutly dreading going back into work tomorrow...

Its funny cause evrytime i change weeks things change, my boobies feel like too boulders now and are a bit throbby, i just keep sending baby vibes telling it to do and take what it needs and that I don't mind.

I have to take my hats off to those doing this with kids already sheesh how are you doing it? Especially single mums!!!!! :shock:
Aww bless you! Enjoy your bath :D I want one now... Might have one after Dancing on Ice! Watching them is making me sleepy :sleep:

My boobs felt like that up until 7 weeks! I haven't had it since though which is nice... My back is hurting now though - there's more to come so I won't complain!

Hope you sleep well tonight and wake up feeling fresh and ready to go! x
Oh yes feel like utter crap! Wake up feeling tired and sick - go to bed feeling tired and sick!

Sat in my PJ's and dressing gown now absolutely shattered goodness knows how i am going to do the 2-10 shift tomorrow!

The joys of being pregnant hey chick :dance: :dance:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I remeber being exhausted all the time

It hasn't really improved either :(
I was the same in the first tri with my son.

Second and third tri's I felt fab, hopefully things will improve hugely for you in a few weeks once you're out of the first tri.

Keep getting plenty of rest and go with what your body is telling you to do. :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm feeling the tiredness too, its pishing me off to be honest, I have things to do :wall: :lol:

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