I just can't believe it sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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Today in particular, I'm having trouble TRULY believing I am pregnant. Like, I know logically I am... but it doesn't feel that way. It's almost like a part of me is like, "....Nahhhhhhhhh, I so am NOT. Impossible!!!", which is absolutely ridiculous considering my tests and the amount of unprotected sex my OH and I engage in daily. :lol:

I was wondering whether any of you chicks have felt the same way, or feel the same way. When does the pregnancy start to REALLY sink in? I don't think I'll start really believing in until I'm in the hospital giving birth. :rotfl:
Hey There!!

I am exactly the same!!! I am so thinking wow this amazing and we are over the moon and I think am I really pregnant!!!!?? It is so amazing but I am constantly thinking omg I have a life growing inside me how amazing is that!!!! I will believe it more when I am showing but I am over the moon!!!

Sorry for all the rambling!!!! I am excited!!!
Even at almost 14 weeks I still can't believe it sometimes.
Doesn't seem real to me yet, although it does seem real at 3am whenI can't sleep :rotfl:
I know what you mean, my symptoms have calmed down a lot lately, the bloating has settled so my tummy has gone down a bit and I feel surprisingly normal. I've got my scan next week though, so hopefully after I've had that I will be more convinced :D
its sinks in when u get your bump. but even when your holding the baby in your arms after birth its like omg is this my baby.
I don't think it's sunk in for me yet. When I got my bounty pack from the midwife yesterday I was thinking, what if i've made a mistake and I'm not pregnant :lol:

I don't think I will believe it till I've had my scan
I don't think it really sank in last time around until we walked through our front door with a newborn!

I still can't quite believe it this time either :shock:
It never sank in until I was sitting there with a baby in my arms :D in fact there's a photo of me the first time I held Josh and that's the exact moment when I suddenly thought oh my god it's real :shock:
u will belive it in 8 months time when ur sat up at 3am in the morning :rotfl:
I fee the same way somedays but then when the sickness kicks in i know its real, urgh i feel rough!


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