i havent thought about poas


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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Well I had a bit of a break through yesterday! I went to see my best friend Amy and we had such a good chat about ttc, and it was so good to off load! Anyhoo she has just moved house with her kids and partner and they have done such a good job decorating that I got the bug! I spent the rest of yesterday having the biggest spring clean ever and dad has painted r brown doors white much better! I am gonna paint the kitchen today and new curtains extra for bedroom! Also buying Amy's old sofa as it is only a few months old but didn't fit in her new house!!! Argh so excited I haven't thought of poas ha ha!!!! I am such a clean freak tho I cleaned Amy's work tops ha ha she isn't offended she is used to me!!!!
Lol at cleaning her tops! Come & do mine pleeeease lol!

I am loving this post cos you sound so happy :)
I know what you mean about being inspired like that - every time I nip round my next door neighbour's house I come home and announce we're painting something. I do this while rearranging furniture and throwing things in a charity shop bin liner.
Great score with the sofa!! Describez vous xxx
It is a 3 seater cream with choccy brown scatter cushions recliner!!! Will take a piccie on sunday when dad is going to pickk it up for me
Ha ha I know ours is so old and grubby yuck!!! We vaxed it once but still grubby he he!!!! Can't wait to get the new one in rah!
You're sounding nice and happy today - think we all need to do something to take our minds off things
I'd love to get a new sofa. When OH and I moved in we got his old £1000 leather sofa and Dad got my cheapy Ikea sofa. :lol: But ours is pretty manky and the springs have gone in one end of it. Nearly finished paying off our bedroom furniture so I think we might invest in a new sofa in the future.

It's great that you're keeping busy to get your mind off things. Sometimes I think it's the best way to be.
If nothing else a spring clean always makes me feel positive :) kizz- our sofa is third hand and is only fit for the skip now ha ha! It's so old fashioned too! Woop can't wait to get the new one in!!! Omg tho have had everything out an rearranged in living area and I am covered in dust! For a clean freak like me it is very distressing ha ha
Haha. I'm totally not a clean freak. OH is though. I think I must drive him crazy but I like to think I'm giving him something to keep himself occupied. He likes cleaning and tidying and organising so I'm giving him something to do that I know he enjoys. :lol:

Our last sofa was about fourth-hand. It belonged to a friend of a friend, then our friend, then Dad, then us. One of the arms fell off the sofa in the end. :lol:
Lol at the arm falling off!
OH is a mucky messy pain in the bum ha ha
:lol: It was all my fault really, I always used to sit on it, stand on it to reach the top of the bookcase, etc. :lol:

I think that clearly shows that opposites attract, you have to have one messy person and one tidy person in a relationship. ;)
Yep or the house would be a s sh*thole or like a show home ha ha
Exactly. Can you imagine two neat freaks living together, they'd be constantly annoying each other trying to tidy things away that had already been tidied up. Or if they were both really messy then they'd probably catch something from all the junk lying around. :lol:

I think our way is the best way. ;)
Definatley kizz my mum and dad r just the same my mum is messy and my dad is a clean freak and they have been married for 35 years! The formulation works
Perhaps we've just cracked one of the secrets of a successful relationship. ;) We could be famous!

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