BD panic

Tracey M

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2010
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Well the forum is quiet anyway so thought would do no harm posting a new thread on my scrambled thoughts.

OK Louise B I know still going on about OV :shakehead: .....

Based on a 35 day cycle my phone app tells me that my most fertile days are from 9th December and OV day 14th, so I made sure I BD 8th, 9th, 10th, 12th

My most positive OPKs are on 10th December and pretty much nothing since! HOWEVER - looking at my ticker below..... It says OV day actually tomorrow and now I'm in a panic cos not BD since 12th and this is 16th!!! I've been wanting to but DH not interested and last night I went to bed early cos super tired.

So I think I've gone and bloody missed it again :wall2: wish now I told DH about OV time and the importance of BDing every other day for a whole 2 weeks (ha ha love the exaggeration)

BUT how can OV day be tomorrow when not a glimmer on my OPKs since last Friday? I will keep POAS cos maybe it is indeed yet to come and I can save myself with a good BD excuses from DH !!

For the record no sign of EWCM either...

Thoughts on this appreciated - or you can just read and run but hey its quiet on here anyway ha ha
Hi Tracey

I agree definetly quiet on here!
I dont have any advice hun but i didnt want to read and run. Fx you caught ov and your in your 2ww x x

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Hey hun

FX you caught your lil egg & you've got a BFP in the making

hi tracey, them bloody ovulation sticks are a pain in the arse but there better thana ticker i suppose!!!
they actually detect that ovulation is coming so i think id go with the opks so seems u BD at the right time, just jump him in case super tired or not im sure u can at least try n get him in the mood lol
it is extreamely quiet in here its coz santa gave lots of ttcers there bfp.... he just teased me with mine
but im due to ovulate around crimbo eve!!!!
im not charting or anything just kinda going with the flow but how can a ttcer turn off completely....
answer is you cant lol!!!!!
im always thinking hmmm ill ovulate then ill BD there, there n there, then ill be in my 2ww blah blah
i shud be concentrating on wrapping presseys and getting fat for a different reason to been preg lol
instead all i think bout is ::
EWCM, CP, CM, ovulation, BFP, crimbo baby :p :p :p
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I agree with LinxMinx, I think you probably BD at the right time:) My ov-test was really strong yesterday, and I had some pains in the lower part of my tummy, so really hope we made it this time!! And, if my DH does not want to, or is tired, I just wait untill his asleep, and than I MAKE HIM want to;) *LOL*

I really shouldn't spend so much time in here, but it's difficult not to:S Good to see that there's other people than me here...I feel a bit "hyperactive" in here:S
Oh I know what you mean......Just done another OPK today and nothing again - think its impossible for me to be OV now as my OPKs would surely have come up with something over the last few days eh? Oh that means if I got my positive OPK on 10th December then maybe I OVd on 12th December so I could be DPO4 today and can test Xmas rather than New Year.... OMG I'd better stop thinking like that or I'll start testing on Xmas day and then get sad at BFN


Will I wait till New Year to test????? :whistle:

Maybe my cycles are shorter than I thought - 35 day cycle was my first cycle and after getting coil out could have been completely wrong - maybe I'm a 28 day cycle after all :)
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Yay for your short cycle hun, it's sounding really positive:)

Where is Louise B for my reality check slap?????
Hi Tracey
Glad your feeling more positive on your last post :)
Im 4po today to, we can symptom spot together :) x x

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hmmm wil tracey wait to test............
place your bets
its 1001/1 so youll be rich in no time
i think we all know you will be poas in no time :p
kezza ur not alone in here lol there only us sad lingeres left
cannot spell that it means people that linger lmao!!!!
like a fart!!! o dear im not painting a good picture of us am i haha!!!

welcome to TTC were just here lingering like a fart .... come join us!!!! :p
:rofl: linxminx you have made me smile for the first time today :) x x

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WOOP WOOP :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
my stupididty does come into good use then

thats what being up al night with a poorly son and mother does to you!!!!
yes im babysitting my mother!!!!!!!!! lol
there a yaki sickness bug along with flu going around here .....greeeeaaattttttt!!!!!
no doubt it wil hit me right on ovulation, which happens to be crimbo eve time
who wants to bd with a sick bag!!!! i sure wouldnt :(
Wish i had your energy linx after being up with a little one, i feel like im sleep walking! x x

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energy!!!! pppfffttt im walking round with my eyes shut!! that way it dont hurt as much when i bang my head as i dont see it coming lol

i know its draining :( my mum is the biggest kid ever when she is poorly too bless her!!
I couldnt try walking round with my eyes shut, im surounded by metal firesafe cupboards, i think they would hurt but if i knock myself out i might forget ive got the flu too!

Hope everyone feels better soon :hugs:

*scuttles off after gatecrashing Tracey's post, sorry* x x

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Where is Louise B for my reality check slap?????

Here i am! :good:

I was just going to mock you for worrying over a ticker when you are POAS every morning and they say nadda, no surge! :) No slaps for you today.

I'll start slapping when you start going on about your gas pains being a pregnancy symptom in a couple of days lol ;)

Bloomin 'eck it is a bit stagnant around here (and now smelling of fart, thanks Linx). I'm asssuming that the New Year will bring a more vibrant ttc sections :good:
You girls are making me giggle with all this.....Linx what are you like? Mummy2Adam better not scuttle off - that was the whole reason for the thread!! Come back!!! And Louise - really? No slaps today? I promise I'll not do any symptom spotting, none, never and I wont POAS, I'll just pee in a cup instead.
*scuttles back in thinking louise is going to slap me after ready my 2ww diary* x x

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and dip the stick yeah!!
well my oh has bad wind does that mean he is pregnant before me.... how very dare he :eek: !!!!!
everyone is leaving :( christmas is stil 9 days away i dont wanna think bout it
due to the amount of junk i will eat and my tww will start then too :( im not looking forward to this one either after the confusion of the last :(

m2a - be carefull scuttling around u may trip over..... that wouldnt be much fun!!!
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