I have spotting! Do I count it?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2011
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Ok girlies for those of you who haven't read my story on last Fri I started taking provera to induce a period so I can take clomid. I was told I had a very thin lining so there was a chance that the provera might not work. I stopped the tablets on Tues and the advice was wait 10 days for a bleed. If I do start clomid on day 2.

Well this morning in my pee pot (still opk'ing) there was a little cm (maybe sperm) with some blood attached. I was very happy so I wiped and there was further very light pink spotting. Not much but visible. Now if it doesnt get heavier or was just a one off do I count it and start the clomid tomorrow as it would be day 2?

Fertility place closed so can't phone. Feel any sign of blood should be good. Obviously Ill keep you posted and hopefully ill be fully bleeding later but interested in your thoughts.
I would wait to see what tomorrow brings.

The sex could have just encouraged a bit of light bleeding out prematurely and i know that you are not expecting a big bleed but i'd expect it to be a bit darker than a very faint tinge of pink.

Don't have sex tonight and if tomorrow it is the same and tinged with pink/orange then i think i would start taking the clomid :)

I hope it's AF for you xx
Thanks Louise I think your right. Just so keen to start. Nothing more at the moment so it is a bit premature. Ill not have sex tonight to see. Got a wedding tomorrow so hopefully show up in full force as she used to always do in full splendour when Im all dressed up. Mad Im so hopeful it does for a change!
My nurses say dont count it untill is actually a real bleed on a tampon etc or gush otherwise you could be starting too early. I waited till i'd had a full 24 hours of a mess lol xxx
Thanks Chaz! Just been so long since I e had any Im excited! Can't wait till I get a gush! LOL!
Stay tampon free untill you do, then you 'know' quicker lol xxx
Yeah id say wait because it can take even longer than 10 days..I had spotting on a saturday thinking my period was starting but it didnt start till the tuesday.. Good luck hun xx
Oooh looking good, yay for the witch for once! :witch:

Well Ive woken to more bloid this morning. Still just when Im wiping at the moment but red and more! Come on as Chaz says I want a gush!! Well maybe not right in the middle of the wedding. Im going prepared with a second dress and underwear just in case! All prepared!!!
Yay :)

I think i'd count today as cd 1 then and tomorrow kick of with the clomid :good:
Yeah I think I will Louise as this morning more blood. A little made it on to the pad so counting it as Im not sure it will get any heavier.
Sounds like you on the first day of your cycle Laurat!! when you starting your clomid?

I had to take mine CD2 to CD6.

Im the same cd 2 to 6! Ill take it tonight! Ooh exciting!
Let me know when the hot flushes hit you....i estimate around CD5 ;) good luck honey xxx

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