I have huge news!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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Richard had a formal job offer today. He called me from Estonia to tell me.

We are moving to Baku, Azerbaijan!

I had a feeling we wouldnt be in the UK long but i thought we might manage a year at least lol.

Richard and I are going on a quick trip over there asap and from there things will move fairly quickly i believe. Its looking like mid May will be what we are aiming for.

Incase you dont any about the country and are interested heres a link.

http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe ... 235976.stm
Woohoo sounds exciting.

If you don't mind me asking, what job does Richard have? Sorry I am just being nosey.

Wow never heard of it, do you know any Azeri or Russian then? You must lead an exciting life moving to these interesting places hun :hug: :hug:
ASD123456 said:
Woohoo sounds exciting.

If you don't mind me asking, what job does Richard have? Sorry I am just being nosey.

He is a CIMA management accountant. He will be going to Baku as the Azerbaijan Finance Manager.

Sarah i am mega excited!!!!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Snuggle said:
Wow never heard of it, do you know any Azeri or Russian then? You must lead an exciting life moving to these interesting places hun :hug: :hug:
I dont speak Russian or Azeri but i couldnt speak Hungarian before i moved to Budapest. I soon learned.
Melanie said:
ASD123456 said:
Woohoo sounds exciting.

If you don't mind me asking, what job does Richard have? Sorry I am just being nosey.

He is a CIMA management accountant. He will be going to Baku as the Azerbaijan Finance Manager.

Sarah i am mega excited!!!!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Thought you might be!!! Hopefully we'll get our move soon too!
Ahh right thatnks for that, it must be great travelling to different countries, me and OH talk about it sometimes as an option but we aren't really brave enough to do much about it.

wow thats soooooo cool, ur such jetsetters mel lol :lol:

still havent seen u over here tho :( :( :( :(
wow! thats exciting. They had a wicked eurovision entry last year, I hadn't heard of the country until they entered that :lol:
That sounds mel and you seem really excited.

Wont you miss your family though? It must be lovely being near them.
Wow what a wonderful life expierience you are giving Thea with the insight into such varied countries!
emeraldsroses said:
Mel, you're quite the globetrotter! Any idea when you'll be moving out there?
We are going out to visit and look at houses before the end of this month! It will be May when we move over permantely since Richard has to put his notice in at work here and the new company needs to sort of visas etc. Im going to use the time between now and then to learn a little Azeri/Russian!.
Wow, that's a long way!!!

Are you excited? xx

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