Tad to close to home


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2006
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She was discovered in the doorway to my work!! The sat staff who should have started at 8 didn't manage to get in till closer to 11, and even then its cause they managed to get up the fire escape!

We spent the whole of yesterday listening to rumours floating around work about how she died. It ranged from drug overdoses, to stabbings, to rape, to the bouncers for the club that is also in our building getting heavy handed with her. Esp when we found out a 42 year old man had been arrested, and then released on bail.

in a way its a relief to find out it was natural causes and not one of the horrible ways that was floating around.

It was so cold sat night we are assuming she wasn't prepared for the weather and thats what the natural cause was, esp seeing as there are so many clubs and pubs around that way.

RIP the poor thing :hug: Its not the nicest of places to spend all night!!
so how did she die? was she out all night in the cold :think:

mummykay said:
so how did she die? was she out all night in the cold :think:


We don't know - we only know what has been in the news. We assume she was out all night. what with it being a friday night / sat morning and all. Wouldn't be the first time they have had to move people from the door way on a sat morning.

I really feel for her family. 20's is so young!! :cry: :cry:
A friend of mine's best mate died in a similar way. She was only 20 too. She'd been on a night out in Durham and walked home over some fields. It was snowing and she died of hyperthermia, they found her just 10 minutes walk away from her flat :(

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