I have had a horrible day!


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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My boss is away on holiday, the way it works in the building when she's away (because there is only the 2 of us in the office) is that I have the key to get into the office and a lady called Nora has the key for the safe. She comes in for 2 hours in the morning to be a second person while I cash up from the night before (basically to stop me getting the blaime if anything goes wrong.)

On Wednesday I meantioned to the club chairman that we only had one safe key (so this is all basically my fault!) today he came STORMING in the office demanding that Nora gives him the key. We obviously said no at first and I said I was texting my boss to ask her. He threw the biggest tantrum and started shouting that Nora was only part time, I was only the General Managers Secretary where as HE is the club chairman and HE is a director of the club and we should do what HE says (at this point I was shaking as he had put me in a terrible position.) I explained to him that we hadn't started the cashing up, and we were still waiting for a collection complany to come and collect the previous week's money so there was no way he could have the key now. He then suggested that he leaves the safe OPEN while he get's one cut and we can shut it when he gets back. I'm sure you can guess what the answer was to that!

He argued with us for about 10 mins and said that he will be back when the moneys been taken and we will give him the key and left.

Obviously Nora and myself were really shaken up with the way he spoke to us like we were dirt.I rung my boss, who started having a go saying not to give him the key (not understanding how he was behaving to us at all, I was so shaken I could hardly explain.) She asked us to ring a member and get him to tell the chairman that he couldnt have the key.

Ended up that she rung the member and he rung me back and told me to give him the key and we've been given instructions as to how to deal with the money etc.

This has stressed me out all day as It's my fault for making the comment to him on Wednesday and When my boss is back in over a weeks time this is all going to be my fault! As everything always is when there is a problem! He put me in a really horrible position, and it's not the first time he's done this. Whenever my boss is away he comes into the office and bullys me into doing things for him and I can't argue with him! I really hate working here, roll on maternity leave!

Sorry for the rant just so stressed out!
Blimey that sounds shocking!! Talk about people abusing their position and "power" going to their heads! I hate that! Tell your boss straight you are not being talked to like that again and the chairman needs her permission before making requests from you or her! What horrible people!!!
What a bloody moron - you and Nora need to collaberate together and make a complaint, arrogant horses arsewipe had no right talking to you like.

Well done for keeping your temper. I would of exploded! xxxx
Thanks ladies! The whole saga has exhausted me. We've written everything that happened down ready for when my boss gets back. Don't want to go in tomorrow :(
What an arsehole! Hope you're ok hun.

I actually feel embarrassed by him. I think now my boss is going to text me every 5 mins as well which I don't need as I CAN run the club and I HAVE but whenever something out of the ordinary like this she thinks it's because of my lack of skills.

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