I have a question for the ladies who know the sex of the baby


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2011
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Was just wondering out of curiosity:-

- did you go off anything?

- are you/did you end up having a girl or boy?

I don't know why but I really like guessing which one I could be having. I have gone off chicken which is massive for me as it was my favorite meat!!!

thank you!!! :)
Probably not the best person to answer this but... I have a girl, and this time a boy. The only difference is I have no cravings this time. Everything else is the same.. Size, shape, no morning sickness, no heartburn etc. x
I went off my boyfriend for a while lmao, food wise I could stuff out on something one week and turn my nose up at it the next, but nothing in particular. I'm having a boy xxxxxx
I has gone through a few things - fruit flavour ice lollies, mango, scotch eggs, anything crunchy at the mo. As u may be able to tell from my ticker, I'm having a boy!
Im having a little girl and I went off cups of tea for 20 weeks and also pop (now Im having a couple of brews a day and a glass of lemonade) I went mad for fruit juice but now gone off that again and havent got any other real cravings or aversions at the mo.
Im having a girl and have gone off milk in tea, have to have it boiling hot with the teenyst drop or il be sick, Also seem to have gone off chocolate much to my horror
Im having a girl and have gone off milk in tea, have to have it boiling hot with the teenyst drop or il be sick, Also seem to have gone off chocolate much to my horror

Hugsy!!!!! Noooooooooooo!!!!!! :faint:
I also went off chocolate so share your pain hugsy...!!!!.....I am pleased to say that seems to have subsided a couple of weeks ago so it's business as usual in the chocolate department now !!! Also seriously gone off wine (not that I would drink anyway while pregnant) but can't stand the smell of it still when my DH has a glass or 3 at weekends......it was so bad I couldn't even walk down the wine asile in asda without heaving.....it's made not drinking while I am pregnant much easier !!......Oh I'm having a boy !!!!
I went off chicken too! And fish, and all dairy! Quite annoying but only for first trimester really. However I started craving a lot of sweet things which is unlike me.
I'm having a little boy, haven't really had any real cravings but keep wanting sweet things so guessing this is going to turn into my craving. Had a bit of sickness within 1st Tri, but all gone now touch wood. xx
I'm having a little girl. I went off milk and yogurt for a number of weeks but am tolerating it a bit more now which is good. Also cannot stand the smell of alcohol right now. Apart from that I seem to change daily what I fancy and what I don't - no real cravings as of yet.
with my first a boy i had no sickness, went off chips and fried food, craved apples and apple sauce.

with my second a girl was sick from day one had craving for snickers

with this one was sick from day one, was convinced it was a girl but its a boy!! craving for tirimasu lol dont do sweet things x x and bitter lemon which is not good for my heartburn!!!
With my first two, boys, I was sick from almost bang on six weeks, I was sick after every meal until about 14-16 weeks, then I was craving anything sweet, even pure sugar. I am now 7+4 weeks with no 3 and i,ve gone off everything, even chocolate *sob sob* plus hardly any sickness this time, so i,m really hoping there,s a girly in there.
Here is my theory - When I first got pregnant, I tried to work out if we'd DTD near to ovulation, I had no idea when that was mind you. I read that boy sperm swim faster to the egg but don't last as long. Girls sperm swim up behind them and hang around longer waiting for the egg. So as we'd only DTD for a week and half after my period just to see what would happen, and then not at all after that and I still got pregnant, I guessed that it must have been the slower girly sperm that got to the egg as we hadn't done it close to obvious ovulation? (isn't it 2 weeks?)
Anyway baby is a little girl, but who knows if my theory is right?

I liked eating both sweet and savoury things, so no help there i'm afraid!
Funnily enough, I've gone off of chicken as well since being preg. We're having a boy.

Im having a boy and I haven't craved or gone off anything - the only thing I can't deal with is ANY alcohol - if I have even a sip of wine then I get horrendous heartburn, we were out on Sat with my brother who has just got a new job so they were celebrating with Champagne and I fancied half a glass as a bit of a treat, big mistake - had heartburn for the following 5 hours which was miserable! No morning sickness or anything the whole way through though x
With the girls I went off all meat.. Mainly chicken :( craved ice pops/drinks.. Not much else craving wise..
This one it's all sweet things and I'm ok with meats :cheer: carrying very different (all round sides girl, all front boy) and I had no probs with the girls.. This one has been a terror!! Thinking :blue: but team :yellow: ... We will know soon though!

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