i have a cold :(

Jun 20, 2012
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hey im 11weeks and came down with a nasty cold yesterday any thing i can do other than what i am already im drinking water and juice eating fruit and soup and taking paracetamol mildly but i dont feel any better :(
I'm feeling one coming on atm too and I've just been resting and drinking those effervescent vitamin c things. Hopefully it keeps it at bay.
Hope u feel better soon x

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Not much more you can do

I had cold during pregnancy and have one now. I do a hot honey, lemon and ginger drink to sooth throat and decongest the airways.

Not quite as good as the real cold and flu drinks but ok xs
honey been helping the itch in my throat im starting t feel abit better now but only a bit! lol thanks
Not much more no sorry :(
You can use vicks I think (either vicks or olbas oil, I forget which). Keep drinking plenty of water though. Unfortunately once you have a cold I think that vit c is pretty useless, I think it only works well when you're coming down with one and your body is trying to fight off the infection, not once it's already taken hold.
A junior doctor once told me that even though everybody recommends drink hot drinks when you have a sore throat, it actually doesn't do any good. Your throat is sore as the white blood cells that defend your body from the pathogens that cause you to be ill kill off the infected cells in your throat leaving it raw. By drinking hot drinks you are exposing raw tissue to hot fluids and causing further damage. Obviously it won't do any major damage but doesn't speed up the healing process any. Also, only take paracetamol if you really need to, as it lowers your temperature. Your temperature rises as your brain alerts white blood cells to the infection and sets off the recovery process. By taking paracetamol this inhibits or slows down this process, meaning it takes longer for you to get better. Obviously if you are suffering or have a high fever then you should.

Really hope you feel better soon, nothing worse than feeling ill!! x

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