I hate my manager!


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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today she came out with a random comment..

"have i told my Dad yet?"
Not that its anything to do with her,
but i said no i havent, she said dont you think you should...

I'm 19, and shes judging me by my age :'(

i said i dont want to tell him because of last time, wait until everythings a little more certain..

I'd totally forgot i didnt tell her about m/c in Dec, for the reason she cant have children, and i just didnt want to say anythin which may upset her..

She said, oh you'll be fine, i said well last time i wasnt.. she replied "last time??" so i explained...

And she had the cheek to turn around and say..

"oh... didnt it cross your mind to be more careful this time, very silly that Charlotte" Making out MY BABY was an accident!! Just because i'm young shes judging me :'(

I know i'm only 19, 20 next month lol.. but doesnt mean i'm not ready to be a Mummy :'( xx
ignore her. I had a simular experience. Told my manager i was pg first time around, and she said "oh, is that a good thing". I don't think she meant it as harsh as it sounded. i did have tears (of happiness!) in my eyes when i told her.

as long as you are happy - screw everyone else!!!

Sam&Alice said:
ignore her. I had a simular experience. Told my manager i was pg first time around, and she said "oh, is that a good thing". I don't think she meant it as harsh as it sounded. i did have tears (of happiness!) in my eyes when i told her.

as long as you are happy - screw everyone else!!!


thanks babe., i think i'm just over sensitive at mo hehe.. as expected, xx
Hi Hun

Dont let her get to you, she sounds like a right insensitive bag. :x

Sending you some hugs, hope your doing well chick :hug: :hug: :hug:
glittergirl said:
Hi Hun

Dont let her get to you, she sounds like a right insensitive bag. :x

Sending you some hugs, hope your doing well chick :hug: :hug: :hug:

hey sweetie, i'm ok babe, how are you doing??
Wen you next due to test... i'm watching out for your thread sayin BFP hehe.. hope your ok xx
Got no idea when i am due af, its driving me crazy. Been using that Clearblue Ovulation Machine expecting miracles but its not even detected ovulation :roll: . I'm pretty sure i did ov as my body gave out all the fertile signs.

I'm just gonna have to sit back, relax (yeah right as if lol) and wait see what happens.

My cycles were pretty weird before m/c so god knows whats happening now.

Thanks for looking out for me tho hun, you and the forum will be first to know if i get a bfp (well after OH of course) as i'm not telling my family next time until after i've had a scan.

Glad you doing well, i still look out for you too, to make sure all is well.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
ave you head a prediction off cheri22?

It helped me look forward after m/c..

hope you get a BFP really soon, my cycles were messed up from day i came off the pill...

And it hasnt stopped me gettin BFP and it wont stop you either chick, jus BABYDANCE wooo at every moment possible hehe xx :hug: :hug:
you will get BFP soon xxxx
Yeah she predicted May so we'll see what happens. I ordered mine a few days after my m/c as i felt i needed something just to keep me going.

Was so sure it was gonna be this month, we have bd'd more than ever lol :rotfl:

OH thinks every night is his birthdays and Christmas's all rolled into one.

aww bless him!! lol

this is the fun bit,

i've only had rude cuddles 2wice in 2weeks.. hes scared of hurtin lil bean lol..

as so am i a lil bit..

But honestly glittergirl... keep postive, and i know its so hard, but try relax... because it really helps, and i drank a glass of wine 2/3times a week in 2ww, i know thats bad, but i think it all helped me relax aswel xxxx
charlotteheys85 said:
i've only had rude cuddles 2wice in 2weeks.. hes scared of hurtin lil bean lol..
as so am i a lil bit..

We were exactly the same last time, too scared just in case.

Think i will make a promise with myself that i'm gonna relax about the whole TTC thing. I know what you mean about having a wine or 2, i still have the odd glass of wine as you can't put everything off whilst ttc or then it really would take over your life.

On a diff subject ....Mmm i'm gonna make a pizza tonight as i need yummy food.

hmm i love pizza, but for some reason cant face cheese at the mo :'(

so i jus had bowl of plain rice haha.. so random,

Do you have facebook or anythin? xx
What a cow!! sorry charlotte but ya manager sounds awful :hug: Hormonal you may be but who the hell does she think she is bein that judgemental for cryin out loud!!! grrrrr! :wall:
No i haven't hun. I did have a myspace thingy last year but i deleted it.

Ah no cheese making you feel sick, i hope it passes soon hun. I lurrrrrve cheese. I'm constantly hungry at the min.


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