Well i went to see the midwife the other day tbh i saw no point in it all she did was take my bp and tell me that she wanted to see me in 8 weeks time .
She said when i come back in 8 weeks time she would check babys heartbeat .
Then she mentioned about the test for down syndrome i said that me and my DH have decided that we dont want it done she then went really funny and said well in that case i will see you in 5 weeks time instead of 8.
She said but whilst you wait for your next appointment i want you to think about it even longer and then tell me your answer and if you still dont want it i will get you to fill in a declined form stating that you dont want it .
She also put in my notes that i had refuse the test .
Have i done the right thing ???????? by saying we dont want the test
Ive always said i would love my baby no matter what but i feel as though people are looking down on me because i made the decision not to have it done and the midwife didnt look to happy .
I feel has though ive got to have the test done because people are looking down but i know in my heart i dont want the test done.
Thanks for listen girls i would be lost without you lot lol
Well i went to see the midwife the other day tbh i saw no point in it all she did was take my bp and tell me that she wanted to see me in 8 weeks time .
She said when i come back in 8 weeks time she would check babys heartbeat .
Then she mentioned about the test for down syndrome i said that me and my DH have decided that we dont want it done she then went really funny and said well in that case i will see you in 5 weeks time instead of 8.
She said but whilst you wait for your next appointment i want you to think about it even longer and then tell me your answer and if you still dont want it i will get you to fill in a declined form stating that you dont want it .
She also put in my notes that i had refuse the test .
Have i done the right thing ???????? by saying we dont want the test
Ive always said i would love my baby no matter what but i feel as though people are looking down on me because i made the decision not to have it done and the midwife didnt look to happy .
I feel has though ive got to have the test done because people are looking down but i know in my heart i dont want the test done.
Thanks for listen girls i would be lost without you lot lol