i had my early scan this morning!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2008
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i had to have an internal because she said my bladder wasnt full enough. i'm going to write exactly what it says on my form: yolk sac identified. sac measures 14.8mm x 6mm. approx 5.5 wks gestation. fetal pole just discernible but too early on to identify fetal heartbeat.

she said everything looks normal for a 5.5 wk pregnancy and i told her i'd been having tummy pains at night after emptying my bladder and she said its probably due to the fact that my womb is tilting backwards onto my bowels and when my bladder is full it is putting pressure on my womb causing the discomfort, and not something going wrong with the pregnancy (she could tell i was panicking). now i've just got to wait 6.5 wks until my 12 wk scan, and its gonna be the longest 6.5 weeks of my life!! wish me luck and fingers crossed this one is extra sticky

I had a early scan last week which made me about the same as you although my dates say i am further on, I had to pay for a early scan cause my doc said it wasnt needed sound liker you had exactly the same thing said to you as i did me, however i am going back in two weeks to check its all growning properly.

hope all goes weel for you at your next one though

Hi glad all is well so far and i wish you a happy healthy pregnancy for the rest of it :hug: :hug:
Well done Lizz.
At least you know everything is as it should be.
Here's hoping that the next 6 1/2 weeks sail by.
i am glad that you got a good scan result

we got our bfp on the same day .. i am the same being worried we can spend the next few months discussing how our babies are growing and the sickness and everything else that goes along with being preg..

i hope this one is a very sticky one for you hun

just an update. i've had some complications. whilst at work yesterday i went to the toilet to discover i was bleeding. so, fearing a miscarriage, my manager drove me straight to the hospital where they ran loads of blood tests and took a urine sample etc and had a look to see how much blood i'd lost. they said that i was probably not having a miscarriage because the blood was fresh blood and not clotted. i was told to keep an eye on the blood and i ought not to worry unless it started coming out in clots. they booked me in for another scan this morning and told me i could go home and rest until then. even though i had been told it was probably not a miscarriage, i was still thinking "the scan is going to show an empty womb" so i was shocked to see not only my tiny baby but its heart beating very clearly on the monitor!! i was told i've had a small haemorrhage in my womb which is below the sac and shouldnt cause any interferance. had it been above the sac, i was told i would have probably lost the baby with the bleeding. i've been lucky. i've got another scan on 27th and one 2 weeks from then before i even get to my 12 wk scan. they are keeping a very close eye on me which is a comfort. plus the bleeding has subsided immensely which is a relief. we're keeping our fingers crossed and praying :pray: for things to be ok. trying not to dwell on it too much, just relaxing and not doing anything strenuous.

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