I had an Intresting night last night!!....


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
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I haven't told my 4 best friends yet about pickle. Believe me it's been hard to not tell them and I've had to cancel many catch ups over the past few weeks as I've been sooo ill and needed tO of been in bed before 8!

Anyway we finally got together and had dinner. We was sat at the table when one of my friends piped up something about dummies being on offer at asda and said o my other friend you'll need to stock up on those!
I kind of looked at my two friends thinking why would she need to stock up on dummies?? I just kePt looking at them thinking are they loosing the plot???
Then the penny dropped and she was expecting!!! I literally jumped up from the table and gave her the biggest cuddle and felt so stupid for not getting what they were saying!!
I asked her when she was due and she said 17th June then I just blurted out ME TOO!!

Hahaha all 4 of them literally jumped on me!! How the table didn't get knocked over is beyond me!!

They obviously knew about the mc and my friend was do worried about telling me about her bump because they knew we was trying and they thought we hadn't had any luck so she didn't want to upset me but they obviously didn't expect me to say I was too!

So one of my best friends is actually my baby bump buddy!!
We are just a week apart!!
We all just spent the evening being all giddy and excited!!
One of my other friends in our group is due in feb, a week after our little bean would of been born but its nice to have my other friend to share it all with too!!
So within 4 months 3 out of the 5 of us will be mummies!!

Sorry to ramble I just wanted to share my exciting news xxx
Ah that's great hun :) My SIL is due 3 weeks before me and it's so nice having someone close to you going through the same thing. It's also nice to have someone to get excited with :) xxx
awww thats lovely :) one of my freinds is due 10 weeks before me and another just had a baby so it will be lovely to spend time with them all the babies together :)
That's what I'm excited about, the fact that we are all off on matt leave around the same too! My friend finishes in jan and goes back in oct so we'll only have 5 months together before shefoesback to work but my other friend isgoi g to get a year off so that will be nice. Think I can onl get 9 months off but may add 3 weeks holiday to it so getbit longer xx
Awww how lovely!! That actually made me cry a little! (hormones!!) it's so nice that you get to share this with your friends honey. And bet they were so relieved when you told them'
Yeah they were all really happy and very excited that I'm as far as I am! Out of the 5 of us I'm very very close to one of them and she was just crying and crying with happiness!!bless her heart! She's due in feb and has already told me I can have her crib and lots of other things! Heart of gold xx
Aww hun that's so nice you've got ur friends to share your experience with :yay: x
Yay I am so pleased for you honey that you have someone to share this with.

My BF is due about 4 weeks before me the day before my birthday but has totally stopped communication with me, not sure why! I am sure she will call at some point :)

again I am so pleased for you xxx
Only just seen this. So pleased for you hun, would be so good to have a best friend as a bump buddy and to share everything with. And then your bubbas can be like BFF too :love:
Oh wow that's amazing!! It's so nice to have a bump buddy!
I don't have a bump buddy yet, my best friend has just had a baby but will still be on mat leave for 3 months with me. My sister in law is trying so hopefully she will fall and we can be pregnant together :) x x
My sister is due mid April then me n my best mate are a week apart too, it's all exciting :):) xx
Awww that is just lovely. A girl from my work is due the day before me and its so nice to have someone to talk to and compare :) x
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What a brilliant story! And how amazing too! It must be fate!! And even better because your due dates are the day after my birthday :) xxx
ahh so lovely - i had the same thing in fact
my best friend (also called holly) also told me was pregs couple of weeks ago and turns out she is due one week early - we were both worried about telling each other - her because she knew about my two m/cs and me because theyve not had the easiest time of it - but it seems its all worked out!! (providing alls fine at my 12 week on Tuesday)
Exciting times eh!! :)

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