i had a loverly day


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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well as some of u know i have been wanting to take B swimming for god knows how long but everytime i go to take him he seems to have a cold :twisted:
he loves his baths and gets really upset wen i take him out of it so wen i first took him swimming for the first time i wanted someone with me so i didnt feel embarrassed lol!!

today me my auntie and my sis took Braydon swimming he was so happy he absolutly loved it we were in the pool for 45 mins and he was tlking non - stop the whole time (very much like his mum) and the best thing is wen we had to get out he didnt cry not even when we got him dressed :D :dance: :clap: i could not believe it!!
it was such a great experince and one i plan on doing reguarly :D
Awww I'm glad he liked it!

Did you have him in one of those floating things or did you just hold him?

I want to take Brody really soon.
Hi hun i took Dior for the first time when she was 10months old one of them things i kept saying i wanted to do but never got round to it, its hassel when u dont drive and have to get bus with big pram and swimming bag..
but me and Dior had a lovely time when we went it was just me and her she loved my undevided atension as at home im always busy and she never has me 100% to her self it was so nice to hold her and cuddle in the pool there was a real shallow bit and she crawled through it for ages there were lil fountines and a boy Dior age was playing with it Dior crawled over and sat on top of it all the bubbles were going inbetween her legs and up her bikini she was giggeling her head off...

such a nice day and worse thing is i aint got round to going again. i suppose i should make the most of it now while im of on mat leave and baby aint here as i wont be able to go with 2!!!
Why isn't their anything like that in warrington. Kacy loves swimming not been able to take her for ages though which is ashame.

is that where youve been all day, i was waiting for you tp come on so i can say bye.
Glad it went well though cant wait to take Kiara.
i was going to do aquatots but it was £95 for 6 weeks! i want him to learn to swim but i can't afford that! it included underwater pictures!!
i now take him once a week to a lovely pool at 2.60 a session.

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