i feel such a pr**t

Tara & Liam

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2005
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My step dad died in July 2002 of lung cancer after 2 years of being diagnosed. I worked in a conveyancing solicitors at that time and i worked my a**e off doing all the running to make sure that his house and things were all dealt with before he died . (not asking for praise this is just to let you know how much i loved him, whilst i was pregnant with Joshua).

I work at the moment in a hospital, haematology department, and i had to go to the ward to find a doctor, now i am tied to the cancer ward, and as i was looking for a doctor i looked into a room and there was a gentleman there, obviously very very sick, and he reminded me so much of my step dad that i burst into tears. i feel so stupid now, and i am welling up now.

sorry just wanted to get it off my chest, hoped typing it would make me feel better, it hasnt.
Aww hun, there's no reason at all to feel stupid, obviously it would bring back memories, your only human after all xxx :hug:
awww hun dont feel stupid like u sed u loved ur step dad very much so of course ur still gonna get upset no one can blame u for thta :hug:
Don't feel stupid - you can't help how you feel, obviously feeling have been stirred.
Davina :hug: You aren't being stupid, although the pain of a loss weakens it never truly goes away. Whenever I see a man with my dads profile it reminds me of him so sharply.

Have a good cry and let it all out :hug:
oh hun don't feel stupid - i mean i cry everytime i remember my grandad who died a year ago, it hurts i know - and this is how i express my hurting and i don't think it's stupid!

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