
Kina :hug:

Sorry, only just saw this thread.

I think you were right to not go in to see him, you've suffered a lot from seeing your Dad in that way and by the sounds of things your Grandad wouldn't have really known you were there anyway.

I know it's not any consolation but he's nearly at his final resting place where he can be peaceful and not suffering any more.

:hug: Lucy x

I've only just seen this and apologise for not posting before. I just wanted to send you a hug and I'm here any time you need me on MSN :hug:
Aw hun, Just to let you know im thinking of you :hug: Like i said in the PM, im here any time you want a chat xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hug:
Aaww hun, I hope you don't regret not seeing your Grandad but I'm sure you made the right decision for you, he'll understand. Thinking of you and your family at this sad time, sending you a huge :hug:
Just a quick update.

My mum called me at 5pm to say that she, my stepdad and a few other members of the family had left his side to have a break as the nursing staff had said for them to get a bit of rest for a hour. I told her that Grandad would prefer to slip away when they weren't there as he was a private man, like my dad did (dad was unconcious for his final 3 days and died in the middle of the night, me and my stepmum were in the same room but asleep). And what I said was true, she just called to say I was right and he'd passed whilst they had left him :cry:

Thanks for all your kind messages about this subject. I don't regret not seeing him as I know that the last time I saw him I said a big goodbye, just wish I'd seen him for a bit longer.

My grandad was an opinionated man, very for the village we live in. He'd follow people home who didn't pick up their dog doo to report them and shout at them! He used to be a union rep and was respected by many. I imagine there are a couple people breathing a sigh of relief that he's gone, but many others that will sorely miss him, me included. Our park was a no go area before he got it cleared up.

Well I'm raising my cyber glass in a final toast to Grandad Ron. Goodnight and God Bless :hug:
*raises glass*

To Grandad Ron, enjoy the dog poop free world of heaven!!

Oh Kina. Im so sorry for your loss hunnie.
Im raising my glass with you to your lovely grandad. (and i hope you dont mind but im sheding a little tear for you too :cry: )
He sounded like a real character, and im sure you'll miss him like crazy (i miss my grandad sooooooooooo much) I also believe you can chose when you go. Sending you much love and many hugs :hug:
He is now at peace. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
*raises glass to grandad Ron*

I'm so sorry for your loss Kina, he is at rest now and pain free.

You're in my thoughts :hug:
Im so sorry for your loss Kina, may your grandad rest in peace :hug:
you are in my thoughts xx
I'm glad you don't feel bad Kina, now you can remember him like he was.

*raises glass*
so sorry this is late i can't beleive i missed it

*raising a glass*

i am sat here crying for you.
I think you did the right thing, it is much better to remember them how they were, he sounds like he was larger than life

:hug: thinking of you and your family:hug:
Sorry to hear about your Grandad, it brought tears to my eyes reading your last post. Big hugs to you and your family. RIP Grandad Ron, God bless
Aww Kina BIG hugs for your loss & being strong.

Thoughts are with you all xx

I'm so sorry I didn't reply to this sooner, I am so sorry for your loss babe.

*raises glass to Grandad Ron*

Much love to you and your family at this time :hug: :hug: :hug:
Kina said:
Well I'm raising my cyber glass in a final toast to Grandad Ron. Goodnight and God Bless :hug:

I will join you babe!!!! "Goodnight & Godbless to your grandad Ron"!! :hug:

I am so sorry hun, but at least he is at peace now babe :hug: :hug: xxx

Sorry I didn't reply sooner, I have only just seen the update hun xx
Kina hun, I couldn't get ont eh stupid internet yesterday as my server was crap!!

:hug: and I am raising my glass to Grandad Ron. He will always be with you in your heart. You know where I am hun, text me if you need me. Love to you and your family.
Sorry sweetie-pie!!
I never know what to say.... just hugs, ok! :hug:

Emilia xx
I'll raise my glass to grandad ron too, and send love and prayers to you and your family at this sad time.

Be kind to yourself, he is at peace now and will continue to watch over you all :hug:
Aww kina i am sorry I missed this thread.

Just remmeber he hasnt gone away far just woke up in the next room.

I hope you are okay? I lost my Gramps last year but still feel him around me and chloe is always talking to him.

Take care babe

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