i feel such a cow now....


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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as most of you will know, ive been having a lot of problems with my bloke.
my bloke has had cancer twice in his life. He has just told me has got another lump. He has pushing me away because "he doesnt want us being close if he is going to die"
im just so upset right now. i feel like such a cow, going on all the time about how little support he has been giving me and how useless he is etc. when all along he has had something so huge to deal with, i cant believe i didnt even notice...
ive been so selfish.. i dont know what to do. im so scared im going to lose him now forever.
can things possibly get anyworse..
i just cant stop crying, all i can think is im going to lose the most amazing person in my life,
really need some support if anyone is available?

thanks ladies x
Oh hun thats awful ((((((hugs))))))

cant imagine how you must be feeling now. you must both be so worried.

dont blame yourself that you didnt notice. he probably hid it very well so that you wouldnt notice and worry. you were not being selfish - you are going through a huge adjustment yourself and if he didnt want to worry you then i'm sure he hid it well enough that you couldnt have known. at least he seems to not be pushing you away now and is sharing this with you. things are easier when theres two of you.

i know its easier said than done but try and keep positive. now you know about it the two of you can support each other.

has he seen anyone about it yet? urge him to get it seen asap if not. god willing its nothing to worry about but the sooner you know then the sooner you can either relax if its ok or start fighting it if its bad news.

my heart goes out o you hun. take care of each other and let us know if you can how things go.

I'm so sorry to hear that, its awful. Please don't be feeling guilty though, you were not to know and your OH knows that. He probably wanted to get his head around it before telling you.

Please see someone about it ASAP. Even if it is cancer the earlier its caught the better as both of you already know.

You will get lots of support on here but maybe it would be a good idea to get in touch with a specialist association for some proffessional support.

I know its hard but please try to be strong and positive for yourself, your OH and your LO.

(((((((hugs)))))) Skatty xx
I'm so sorry to hear about your partner. It must be really difficult for the both of you at the moment, but you both have to look after each other and give the other as much support as possible. I don't think your being a cow in the slightest, your bodies changing, hormones all over the place, you both need to try and stay positive, as hard as it may be at times.

Keep us posted hun hugs & kisses xxxxxxx
Sending big hugs to you both.
I cant imagine how you both are feeling, but I am sure with your love and support, things will be fine.
Take each day at a time, keep strong and make sure you both talk about how you are both feeling
We are all here to listen when things get too much, and you are NOT being a cow, dont ever think that. You are having a tough time of it yourself, you are worried sick and your hormones are up the wall. Dont be so tough on yourself chicky. You are human

Thinking of you and sending hugs and kisses xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
He wont let me help me, i really dont know what to do. i rang him earlier and he said i need to give him space. How can i help him if he doesnt want me to go near him. when i ring him he seems to just want to get off the phone asap. im so confused. i want to support him adn help him through this but he wont let me naer him to do so. i feel so useless.
My OH withdraws from me when he needs space, I am the opposite, I need to talk and share my feelings.
He is probably trying to get his head around things, and probably doesnt want to worry you..
My heart goes out to you, you sound so loving and concerned, I just hope he can let you help him share this fears and feelings
Keep us posted, we all are rooting for you hun xxx
thinking of you both and your bump hope all is well, can't imagine what you going through. :pray:
thanks ladies for all ur support...

it means a hell of lot for people who are all hormonal who can understand it all from my emotional and hormonal side, if u know what i mean.

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