i feel so stupid


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2008
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ok i had pains in my lower tummy on the left side, it was like a low acky period type pain and i feel very nausious more than usual anyay i phoned the nhs helpline and spoke to a nurse ect... as soon as i got off the phone i went to the loo for a pee and ended up having a massive no2 (sorry) anyway after i got off the loo the pain had gone!! so now i feel stupid but the nausia is still just as bad which probaly is due to strong hormones in my body lol but god i feel so stupid :wall: :wall:
Dont ever feel stupid! :talkhand:

Pregnancy is the one time we are allowed to act like paranoid hypochondriacs!!

Well done on the poop! :clap:
Aww hun, don't feel stupid! I've had this a few times, wondering why I've got such cramps then a good no2 saves the day! Glad to hear you're feeling better! :hug:

Sarah x
peanut1982 said:
Aww hun, don't feel stupid! I've had this a few times, wondering why I've got such cramps then a good no2 saves the day! Glad to hear you're feeling better! :hug:

Sarah x

Ditto - and I almost got DH to take me to A&E! :oops:
aw hun, don't worry! at least you know what it was :rotfl:
ye but now i feel so stupid and it's put me in a bad mood, although i have had symptoms etc i don't feel pregnant i wanna cry not sure why, i just want someone thing to reassure me everyhting is ok but i know i won't get a scan just to reassure me i have the midwife tomorrow and i'm sure i'll be feeling different but argh!! why do i feel like this now :wall: :wall: :(
dont we just love homones, i walked round a carboot sale on my own sunday morning and kept randomly crying for no reason whatsoever, i mean what was that all about!! :doh:
no. 2's keep saving the day for me too.

I had this really niggling pain on one side this morning, after my nap just now its shifted to the other side...I'm sure a trip to the loo is coming :oops:

I'm crying at anything remotely moving on TV and am not enjoying being sick... I hate some crisps yesterday and then was sick and it was so unpleasant. After being sick my eyes are watering, mascara run, face bright red, nose running, feeling hot and bothered...arghhh...

good to have some folks to share these times with! how come you get some people who don't know they're PG until about 15 weeks!
how can people not know they're pregnant til 15 weeks? What about not having had a period for like 3 months? I'm the same always crying at things even remotely moving on TV, radio, on the net. I see cute children in the street and almost starts me off.

ahh ruddy hormones :roll:
Christina when I fell pregnant with my first child 10yrs ago, I didn't find out until I was 4m gone, mainly because I was suffering from depression and my periods were quite messed up because of the stress/anxiety I was under. I was still bleeding a little at times so thought I was still having periods and i wasn't exactly having a wild sex life either so it didn't even enter my mind that I could be pregnant!

Bit of a shock to say the least but only having a "5m pregnancy" was lovely - found out this time at 6w and in comparison his pregnancy feels like it's really dragging!

Sarah xxx

:dance: Today's the day!!!! Dating Scan at 2pm :dance:
fair enough, I feel silly now :oops: can't imagine what its like to find out you're 4 months pregnant. must have been insane!

good luck for your scan hun :cheer:
I didnt find out I was having my second son until over 4 months!! :D
I had just had my first and thought my periods were messed up because of that! :roll:
I worked with a girl who didnt find out until she was 5 months due to having a monthly period throughout! My friends mum was the same apparently. However for most people it's bloody obvious when your pregnant, i knew before taking my test and i didnt wanna be pregnant, i jsut "felt it" lol.

As for No2's i had "period" cramps for a while and was realyl worried about them, until i noticed that when i was getting them was usually accompanied by the need to use the toilet afterwards! I should have known tbh as i suffer with IBS, but it's usually worst during my period so i associate the 2
that happened to me last wednesday, i had been getting a bit of pain one side so i went to the hozzie, but relised when i got home i needed to do a number 2 (i was abit constapated tho tmi)

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