I feel sick!


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2011
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Feleing really nauseous today, can't face eating and can't even have a hot drrink without it making me feel even worse, what's going on?? Was awake for hours last night too as felt breathless and chest felt tight, plus had awful heartburn. Getting really sick of feeling crappy now, just want it to be over :sad:
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:hugs: hun , sorry your not well . I feeling a bit peed of with it all myself . The pressure down below is painful and I'm so tired :(
I've started getting the nausea again - ugh. I think it must be another hormone surge. Hope yous are all feeling better soon! xx
yeah i got pressure too and painful BH, and I'm knackered! Why can't preganancy last 38wks instead of 40!
I felt sick on sunday too. I hope it doesnt last long! :hugs:
Oooh girls :hug: Sorry to hear that you're all feeling lousy! Hope you all feel better soon. Its so close for y'all. I completely understand the soreness part down below! Baby is GRINDING yup, grinding on my pelvis when moving as her head is well engaged now and I whince everytime it happens and have to stand up. Its wearing me out. Such are the joys of pregnancy.

Keep smiling girls (through gritted teeth no doubt :lol: ) and we'll meet our LOs real soon x
sorry to hear yus ae all feeling nausea but heard few people say that normally before things are ready happen ur appetite goes and u feel sick x
Maybe it's a sign that labour is immenent then, that would be good!
sorry to hear yus ae all feeling nausea but heard few people say that normally before things are ready happen ur appetite goes and u feel sick x

lol don't say that! I'm getting nausea waves and haven't been hungry in days but want baby to cook for at least 10 weeks longer!
Aw no sure you'll be fine..I still had morning sickness at 27wks! It's just a bit much with all the other discomfort of late pregnancy, to now feel sick on top of everything else takes the P***!
I still reckon i've a good 2-3 weks to go . My dad really annoyed me today by telling me how low my bump is and that he reckons I'll go any time now (I just dont want to hear it because i'll be annoyed when dont hahahahaha) . But i'll see what the midwife has to say at my check up tomorrow xx
Well my Izzy was a week early so really really hoping this one is too. Have your tried any of the home induction techniques? I've heard that the castor oil and orange juice drink really works buts I'm too scared to try in case it makes me sick..I wonder swallowing if castor oil capsules has the same effect?
Well my Izzy was a week early so really really hoping this one is too. Have your tried any of the home induction techniques? I've heard that the castor oil and orange juice drink really works buts I'm too scared to try in case it makes me sick..I wonder swallowing if castor oil capsules has the same effect?

Hey. :)
I took castor oil to help bring on labour with DS and went into labour that night, i suggest if you wanted to take it i would drink it out the bottle as the look of it will put you off., hold your nose whilst you do i and then down FANTA. the fizziness takes the taste away pretty quickly, but it is rank. and the capsules won't work as you would need to take like 60 of them to even make 1 oz.. lol, i am thinking of doing it again with this one if she is not here by 40 weeks x
It's just the thought of drinking oil..did it make you sick or give you diorrhoea?
My friend took caster oil, it did give her diarrhoea but it kicked off her labour and LO arrived the next day i think, if not that night! x
I havent tried anything yet , I've heard castor oil can be dangerous ? Might opt for a curry and try jump the oh tonight though (hes really turned off by me :( ) mw apppointment was annoying , basically said I'm having tightenings , baby is back to back with me , head is engaged so it could be today or it could be two weeks and to go home and get "romantic" .
MW told me it wouldn't be a problem, and that he would probably rotate during labour. I think he has been moving and then going back again because when hes' back to back I get a big soft dip in the middle of my belly, but when he moves round it goes a proper bump shape again and my belly button pops out!
Actually mine has been doing something similar so I reckon theres still a chance to move the right way around . Aoibheann refused to rotate during labour and it wasnt nice :( on a plus side nine days until our due date !!!

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