I feel sick!

I don't know how trying castor oil, the thought of going into labour with 24 hours is tempting, curry, sex, rasberry leaf tea etc all hasn't worked, but i've been having on and off pains for over a week and was 2 cm dilated last week, but then it all went quiet again and my MW won't check me or do a sweep until i'm 10 days overdue! Hope we all get moving soon x
yeah mine wants me to come in at 40+3 to meet the team to discuss my options but told me to go home and get pro-active in helping things get moving . I really wanted to hit the poor waman yesterday though when she said , "oh well it could be today , it could be two weeks from now " just keep up what your doing :(
I'm booked for a sweep at 40+2, hope I don't need it though! If we're all still here by next weekend maybe we should all try the castor oil thing on the same day and see what happens? I don't see how it can be dangerous. I know loads of people who've done it including my mum & sister..as long as you don't go mad. I don't think I've got the stomach for it though that's the thing!
Ok, i'm willing to give it a go then if i'm still sat here! x
I've heard horror stories about dehydration and babies poohing before they were born son I think I'll give it a miss xx
aah maybe I will too then! To be honest once the due date comes may as well wait for nature to take it's course, still hoping he comes before though. I think it's the iron tabs making me feel sick, gonna ask dr if i can take something bit gentler.
:hugs: hope he can sort you wirth something , god im wrecked I know I should be out walking or something but I have zero energy
Snap..feel totally pooped! I'm bored too but can't be bothered to do anything, I hate waiting!!

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