I feel sick with nerves!


New Member
Nov 29, 2011
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I got my bfp on 19th nov clearblue which said 2-3 weeks. STarted spotting on the same day and have been ever since. Went to the BEP clinic on 22 nov and had an early scan which they measured me as 4w 2 days and could see the gest sac, had bloods done ad hcg was 160................. but since then the spotting has got gradually worse although it's not like a period and isn't red in colour I was really worried and so went back today and they gave me another scan - this was inconclusive a small black hole could be seen but they kept saying it was too early on and thats why they couldn't see anything ...... bt surely they should have seen something more than last week - they then told me that because my hcg level as so low last week that the gest sac could have been a vessell...... surely if everything was ok they would have seen something more today??? i have had more blood taken today and so will get the results tomorrow..... i feel so sick with nerves ! xxxxxxx
Hi sweetheart, try not to worry too much! I spotted for about ten days around 4 weeks (before I even knew I was pregnant - I convinced myself it was a weird AF) and I'm still pregnant now at nearly 10 weeks. I never had any scans, so I'm worried too, but I really hope that you will get some good news tomorrow. Hugs. x
arr thanks karenc I am trying to stay positive but its really hard! Congratulations on your pregnancy - it wont be long till yo have your first scan and then all your worries will be behind you xx
Aw. All the luck in the world to you tomorrow! And remember - even if it doesn't work out this time, at least you know you should be able to become pregnant again. x
I've got no real advice for you but I didn't want to read and run as i've been in your situation. I guess the best thing to do is just keep busy tonight and stay positive. The fact that they saw a sack is very positive. Sending a big :hug:
Well yes that's the main thing hat i have been able to get pregnant - i was trying for 5 years even had ivf which didn't work, split up with my husband and then have gotten pregnant naturally with my new partner.......... it just seems so cruel that this can be taken away from me! but hey i am feeling slightly more positive now - thanks ladies for you kind words of support xxx
just got my result and its not looking too good at all ........ hcg has gone to 504 last time i had it done was a week ago and it was 158 they want me to go in for more bloods tomorrow.... they didn't want to say much over the phone but i asked about it being etopic and she said that it is a possibility - xxx
Oh hun, I'm keeping everything crossed for you cxx

Oh Maggi, I'm sorry the result wasn't good today. :hugs:xxx

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