i feel s**t :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2011
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i really had enough now to be fair, i feel like poo i keep waking up in night and cannot get back to sleep 3am is a special wake up call for me dont know why, i feel so sick and i have a bad gut :( i want to sleep but i feel that ill i carnt i meant to be going for back rub later and half of reflexolagy because they carnt do it all but i dont know if i can face it :puke:
How you feeling now, any better after your treatments? I wake in the night a lot more now, think it's preparation for night feeds!
Poor you, hopefully just some rest and lots of fluids will help. Maybe you won't be too long till labour starts, did you feel like this with your others, were you early with them?
I'm starting to get to this fed up point myself tbh, I really really don't want to complain, but things are getting more uncomfortable.

I am quite swollen in the leg/ankle/foot department so i feel like professor klump. My bladder feels constantly like it needs emptying, I'm 2/5 engaged so it's quite uncomfortable 'down there' when babba moves about now, I'm awake numerous times in the night, my bowels just aren't right at all....the list goes on! ...and i've still got 2 weeks left in work, 5 weeks til due date which feels like such a long time! I've had a really easy/straightforward pregnancy til now so I have to count myself lucky really! :D

I went ova on both my boys =( this pregnancy has been so different all way though
I am sympathising with u I have had enough now just want my lil man here I itch all day long an wake up all night for pathetic wee's then itch some more! I'm now carless living at my mums & u seriously can't be without a car here as she lives in a small village with only a spar shop if I don't go to work with her I'm stuck in or have to harass my younger cousins for lifts as the public transport is shit too!!! Anyone else fed up with their wardrobe selection too I'm so bored but be grudge spending money on new things coz I ain't put much weight on just my bump gettin heavier!

Oh I've had such a great pregnancy I suppose I had to have a really shit time at one point feeling sick & tired all the time.
Ok rant over thanks for listening lol hurry up baby xx
im feeling this way too... it seems neverending.

dont want to hijack your thread but it seems like everyone here is in the same position and it seemed like a good place to have a moan! lol.

I have to say that everything is getting to me too... i can't wait to get lo out! Unfortunately i have no advice on how to make it better for you hun as nothing has worked for me.

All i will say is i hope you feel less fed up soon!

hope you feel better Abbiec its horrible isnt it just gets you down. Massive hug x

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