I feel really low


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2007
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I don't know what's wrong with me, I am upset coz I don't get along with my family anymore, well it's always in my mind, although I am so happy to have a wonderful DH and a baby and being pregnant again! I just can't help thinking why is my mom soo harsh on me.. now I have many things to do but can't do anything! I feel so upset. I have to arrange my closet as I bought some new clothes and now that i am pregnant again thought it will be wise to have maternity clothes arranged in a closet and my old clothes in a different closet for when after i give birth. I like to be organised. I decided to start studying a little but can't bother to open the book! the worst is I want to go and see a Gp but can't bother make an appointment!! I don't know how will I end up. My Dh is supportive but he's not always around. and now i need to talk to someone and I only have one friend who is always busy!
I recently started getting awful headaches, and it's making everything bad.
I am not expecting replies as I know this post is sad and unorganized. I am really pathetic. Wish some one just gives me a hug tell me everything is ok and makes an appointment for me. suddenly I feel like a little child! :cry:
:hug: Bloody hormones have a lot to answer for!

OH said to me the other day, "oh your so moody" and I said well you wait dearest there going to get far worse :lol:

Hun just go with the flow :hug:

Just relax :hug:
Also sorry I know that really wasnt a good answer, but I do know what your on about hun :lol: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug:

I am so sorry that your are feeling so low, I know what it's like as my mood is very erratic at the moment.

When I feel like this I just try and set my self mini tasks, just one at a time, as thinking of everything at once can be overwhelming. Even something as simple as having a shower will make you feel as though you have achieved something worthwhile.

You are NOT pathetic, just hormonal and anxious, just like the rest of us! :hug:

I've not been on this forum for long, but from what I've seen it's a great place to get (and offer) the support you need during your pregnancy, sometimes the problem with friends and family is that they are so engrossed with their own lives and problems that they don't realise they are being neglectful.

Fee x
Thanx both of u for ur support! I know it's my hormones but I want to deal with it really! Tasha ur answer was great and I know it's all about my hormones!
and yes sometimes a shower seems like a big task LOL!
I will try and accomplish things one after the other as yes thinking of them all is soo overwhelming and i end doing nothing!
Thanx all :hug:
Hi honey,

Sorry you're feeling down :( hope it is just your hormones and that you feel better after a sleep. I don't know about you but when I feel down I don't like to go out but then when I do I feel much better for it... Maybe you and the baby could go out somewhere tomorrow? Maybe a little retail therapy?

Lots of love....x
Hi Ellie,
Nice to have u back. :wave: thanx I guess yes I need to go out somewhere, exactly as u said. I don't feel like I want to go out but when i do i feel better. I'll see what to do tomorrow. :hug:
I felt really down today too hun so I went out with my daughter and spent some money and felt loads better :hug: :hug:
Hi, thanx all, I need to get some sleep I guess I was sleep deprived without knowing! I'm too exhausted!
Snugggle spending money makes me feel GREAAAT LOL

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