I feel really depressed Udated x x x


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2011
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I just cant accept myself as pregnant or see any future in the pregnancy at all. I have signed myself off as i am going to miscarry.

I cant even imagine getting past 12 weeks.

I am so silly i did another clearblue and it still says 2-3 and im 5+6 today :( i feel like its an impending sign of whats to come.

This weekend is going to go so slow waiting for that scan . I am sure of what they will tell me already.

i NEVER thought it would be this way when i got a bfp , i thought i would be smiling all over. X :cry:
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awww Kirsty try not to think like that I know it must be so hard im keeping everything and I mean everything crossed for you xx
Oh babe. that's not good to hear. I'd go to your Dr today and try get referred today for scan. Try to focus on something else. Even watch a film or have a warm bath. I really do hope everything is fine for you xxx
Aw hun :hugs:
I'm sure you'll feel much better about it when you have your scan and see a lovely strong hb.
I feel very paranoid still and have even asked oh if we would try again if this pregnancy doesn't work out, madness.
When's your scan hun? x
Monday morn Cos. I feel like i'm not weeing as much .

I said to my OH , i just cant bond or accept that i am pregnant. I'm carrying on in limbo not ttc and not pg. I am stupid because if that test would have said 3+ i would prob be in a whole different mood.

I just feel so unnattached from it all
eurghhhh i hate feeling like this, it was supposed to be the best time of my life. all that i was wishing and hoping for.

The only symptoms i have are tiredness in the evening and sore boobs x

Until you have your scan I think your going to be like this, but sending you LOTS of positive vibes!xxx
Lots of luck hunnie, I'm sure you'll be fine x
Im sure everything is fine hun and monday will soon come round xxx
Aw Hun this isn't good for u, try and hold out till Monday, I can't imagine how your feeling after ttc for so long etc so your probably in denial too that its even happened! Keep busy this weekend so your not thinking about it too much, don't spend too long on here and google reading things that make you worry, easier said than done because that's what I do and drive myself mad!

As for the pg test, I'm not certain but don't they just tell you how far from when u conceived? The doc works it out from 1st day of last period, is this how you have figured your weeks because that would make you 5/6 but test would show 2/3 if that makes sense! Either way try not to worry they are only a guide....xx
I forgot to say my last pg I went from 1-2 to 3+ in a week and this time it took alot longer than that to get from 1-2 to just 2-3. So don't worry, eat a bag of mini eggs-that always cheers me up!

Lots of hugs xxx
Digi's are great for you initial test BUT from what I hear they aren't all that afterwards so step away from the digi's hun!!!

I know exactly how you feel, there is no way I will enjoy a moment of being pregnant until I see a HB....

There isn't long for you to wait now though sweetie!

Can't wait to see your update after your scan

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I know just how you feel hun, i'm over 13 weeks pregnant now and still can not believe it even though i saw the scan, because i was earlier than they thought and they put me back to ten weeks i feel like something has gone wrong and i will find out at my next scan. Fingers crossed everything is fine but it doesn't stop me thinking the worst. Although i do get happy when i feel popping sensation down there!!!

I will keep my fingers crossed for you hun and hopefully you are just another paranoid pregnant lady like the rest of us lol
Thank you all so much.

I've just thrown myself into my cleaning and cleaned my rabbots out.

I have such a rage that descends at this time of day i am like rrraaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhh!! Then i go all tired and fall asleep on the sofa lol x
eurghhhh i hate feeling like this, it was supposed to be the best time of my life. all that i was wishing and hoping for.

I felt like this for so long, it's natural after everything you've been through, it's a defense mechanism and a perfectly reasonable way to feel. Hubby just kept telling me to be positive, but level headed, which I suppose makes sense.

It's the worst wait in the entire world, but it will be worth it in the end xx
Really hope monday comes round quick for you x
well i got terrible pains in one side and brown spottin . Had bloods taken and i'm low for where i am 990 and something. Cant have a scan until mon morn . The pain has stopped over night though but they think i'm a possib ectopic. My neck of my womb is closed at the min . X
Oh Hun I'm sorry your in pain and in hospital. Hope it all goes ok keeping everything crossed xxxxxxxxxxxxx
So sorry hun, hope it's all ok.
Can't believe they can't scan until Monday, that's ridiculous. I'm sure sonographers work on the weekend and gynae drs can scan too so what are they playing at?? :hugs: xx
youll be surprised how lack of people work in a hospital at weekends.

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