i feel much better now


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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went to see the midiwfe today who examined me and toldme baby had slowed down in size and my fundus measured same as my dates now :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
its made me so happy because i was so afraid i was going to have a big baby!
i have a home visit in two weeks and everything else is fine!

i justwanted to share that with you because it was getting me down abit. The thought of parting with another large baby was making me slightly unhappy.
i bet i still do! :rotfl: :rotfl: its just at least im noty going to fret about it for the weeks running up to it. :rotfl:
Im glad your feeling better!! so glad everythings ok. :hug:

At least your mind will m a little more at ease! :hug:
Aww Hun, am so glas you are not feeling so down now
Hi hun,

I know how you felt I was told at 16 weeks my baby was measuring weeks bigger and I crapped my self considering my brother was nearly 10lb and big bubs run in the family.

Like you, I felt relieved last week when I saw MW and now baby is only measuring a week bigger.

So glad you feel better, try to relax and enjoy your final weeks of being up the duff :rotfl:
I'm happy for you Budge :hug:

I think you will have a great labour, you know what to expect and aren't they supposed to be quicker each time? I hope you don't go over like is the trend at the mo' cos I am so excited to see if its a boy or a girl :lol:
:hug: Good im glad you can stop worrying about a monster baby Budge lol.
Yey Budge :dance: I'm also hoping for a pinheaded midget, well perhaps not quite that but you know what I mean :wink:
Sorry you were feeling down but at least your spirits have lifted now your not giving birth to a small rhino. If you watch "location, location, location" the presenter Kirstie recently gave birth to a baby boy weighing just over 11 lbs :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

It can be done but, BLOODY HELL :shock: :shock:

Bev x x
budge said:
i bet i still do! :rotfl: :rotfl: its just at least im noty going to fret about it for the weeks running up to it. :rotfl:

No i reckon 8lb something,now that's easy :D xx
see i was 7lb 7 and my partner weighed 7lb 7 so hopefully...... lol

plus my bumps not very big!

how do they guess the weight?
If your baby was 7lb 7oz that would be freaky :shock: :lol: ,not sure how they guess i know with my second baby the midwife said it was a big baby when she felt my tummy and my daughter weighed 7lb 13oz and was two weeks late so she was a bit wrong with that guess :roll: :D xx
hevwithbump said:
see i was 7lb 7 and my partner weighed 7lb 7 so hopefully...... lol

plus my bumps not very big!

how do they guess the weight?

thye can only guesstimate by feeling your tummy when you go for your examinations.
My midwife felt mine yesterday and said it was around 4 and half poundish.
Theres no way of knowing the weight though until birth.

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