I feel low

I had a touch of diahorrea (sorry!) at the weekend and yesterday - not too much, wasn't running to the loo all the time, but wasn't right. Oh course obsessive me googled this straight away! Could be a sign, but it seems anything could be a sign!

Had a bit of a runny nose after eating at weekend, but that has passed.

Had a few cramps last week...but I think I was imagining implantation, as it was way too early and was constantly thinking about it.

Boobs started aching on Sunday....only when I sit down it seems....again, I'm unsure if I am convincing my body of these 'symptoms' as I am so desperately wanting to be pregnant. No cm, so I don't think that's a good sign.

How about you...anything else apart from the cramps?

It's hard ttc - is so hard bring out of control!
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Charlotte you said before you went to the doctors....I hope you don't mind me asking...were they willing to discussing tests after ttc for only 4 months? Would b nice to have either reassurance or start dealing with a potential fertility problem early on....

I went to docs to do an ultrasound to check if everything was OK down there. The only test they offered me was std test to check infections.

4 months is not enough you will need to say 12 month at least to get other tests done. Since docs my cycles are a lot better. May be because i take vitamins.

My other symptom (if I can call it a symptom) is bloating. Im hug after each meal.

Will you be testing soon? x
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Well I'm sure AF is coming now as my boobs have suddenly stopped hurting
That's a sure sign before she arrives

How are you feeling Charlotte?
Lottie 9dpo is way early hun, your symptoms sound really promising

Thanks for the reply Charlotte.

Clover, you never know...it's not over until af arrives!

I tested again this morning...bfn. Going to test every morning until af comes mainly so I use up my cheap preg tests so I don't do this to myself again this month. Feel pretty sure I'm out this month.

Af due on Sunday. Was testing four days early so I have a glimmer of hope, but despite the symptoms I don't feel pregnant....whatever that feels like?!
On second thought...I might give my husband my tests to hide from me. I can't handle seeing negative time after time.

Charlotte are you testing soon?

Clover is af late?
Hi Lottie
It's hard seeing Bfn each day that's why I don't test as often as I used to in the beginning
I have been TTC since June 2014

Get your hubby to hide them then your not tempted

I'm CD 31 today and 15dpo so yeah AF was due yesterday but she's just teasing me lol
I have very little chance of conciving naturally and ive had medicated cycles that haven't resulted in a Bfp either (Clomid)

Fx crossed for you sweetheart
Clover/ Lottie

AF arrived this morning. I don't think I have any strength left for the next cycle.

Fingers crossed for you girls.

Lottie I know its hard not to test. I ordered mine a few days before AF was due so I was not testing early.

Clover... never give up and one day you will get PG again! x
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Sorry about af Charlotte.

I know how you feel....considering taking a little break if I'm not successful this cycle. It feels like she's coming :(

Stay strong! The last days of cycle are awful as you don't know what is going on.

How long have you been ttc?
Hey Charlotte. I'm sorry AF arrived. You have to be positive and think about being pregnant in the future! It will happen, sometimes some takes longer than others.
I've been trying properly since August 2015 but having unprotected sex June 2014.
Stay strong hunnie, we are all here for you xxx

CD1 is very hard. Ive added grapefruit juice to my new cycle diet, spinach and will cut down coffee and meat.

How are you doing? x
I'm good. Highs And lows. Did an OPK tonight, almost bloody positive at CD6 wtf?!? Usually ovulate cd12-14
Phoned hospital today about my referral. It's with the consultant so it's up to him to decide if it's urgent. If it is, I cud get my appointment within 6-8 weeks. Excited and frightened. Wonder what will happen?
I had a lap and dye test around 5 years ago. Found adhesions on my right tube/ovary. Had 2nd lap to laser off. All was clear, tubes not blocked etc

Ive heard that ovulation can happen very early and very late. That's why I dtd from day 7 until 21 as many times as possible.

I would not mind my tubes get checked out. How do I get an appointment for that? My gp is a bit slow. He told me to wait for 12 months. I don'twant to wait that long. x
Hey Charlotte,
Just relied on the SS thread, was just wandering what changes are you making this cycle?
I've started EPO and Raspberry leaf tea but seen about Grapefruit juice so I'm going to get some at lunchtime...also Beetroot juice can increase the thickness of your lining by promoting bloodflow so that's good to drink up to Ovulation

hope your ok :)


I have started new thread. Hoping other girlies will add some tips too x

Here is what I'm already taking:
Vitamins D, B complex, bee pollen, C and zinc
Pea protein powder
Full fat dairy products including milk for my coffee
Full fat dairy helps O
Brasil nuts
Sunflower seeds
Pumkin seeds
No alcohol or energydrinks

New this cycle:
2 litres of water everyday (to improve ewcm)
1 glass of real grapefruit juice ( to improve ewcm)
Excersise at least 30 min walk every day
Spinach 1/2 bag a day
Very little red meat
Organic home made carrot soup (beta-carotene)
Cut down coffee

What will you be doing different this month??x

Ive heard about EPO you need to be careful with it.
Can be taken only up until O.
What does raspberry leaf do? x
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Ive heard that ovulation can happen very early and very late. That's why I dtd from day 7 until 21 as many times as possible.

I would not mind my tubes get checked out. How do I get an appointment for that? My gp is a bit slow. He told me to wait for 12 months. I don'twant to wait that long. x

I can't see the NHS letting you have testing until 12 months is up. So if you want it doing sooner you would need to go private. I've heard people say you should lie and say you have been ttc longer and obviously it is up to you if you wish to do that but before you do please think about the people who have genuinely been ttc that long and may get their investigations delayed because of your lie. I know four months seems like an eternity when you want something so badly but stay positive as much as possible. Over 90% of couples see success in a year of ttc and it sounds like you are giving it a really good chance so hopefully you will see results much sooner.

Ive heard that ovulation can happen very early and very late. That's why I dtd from day 7 until 21 as many times as possible.

I would not mind my tubes get checked out. How do I get an appointment for that? My gp is a bit slow. He told me to wait for 12 months. I don'twant to wait that long. x

I can't see the NHS letting you have testing until 12 months is up. So if you want it doing sooner you would need to go private. I've heard people say you should lie and say you have been ttc longer and obviously it is up to you if you wish to do that but before you do please think about the people who have genuinely been ttc that long and may get their investigations delayed because of your lie. I know four months seems like an eternity when you want something so badly but stay positive as much as possible. Over 90% of couples see success in a year of ttc and it sounds like you are giving it a really good chance so hopefully you will see results much sooner.

I will just continue with a positive attitude. I have already done a few tests and ultrasound. All look fine. I think I just need to stay positive and happy. x
Wow you're taking loads of stuff hun!! Going to have to stock up on some more goodies

I'm just going to Tesco now so will let you know what I buy :)
Oh Raspberry leaf tea tones and thickens the uterus lining ...so does beetroot juice :)

I do Clover

It's all natural food anyway. Summer is on its way. I like to get fit as well.

While you in Tesco I will check beetroot juice now x

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