I feel lost & Alone....


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2012
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Good Morning Ladies,

I apologise for the depressing Thread as i know alot of you are going through labour throughout these months....

I havent put a thread up for a while because all i simply want to put is that i cant do this and i feel alone. I have commented on a few peoples who have felt down and said it will be ok blah blah but yet i cant seem to get that bit in my head. Alot of things have been happening at home with the OH hes been playing alot of mind games... first it was me being blamed for having hormones and im taking it wrong and you know what ive thought yeah it prob is. But the last few days he has switched and happened to in the process break my heart. Im the first on to defend him and find an excuse for his behaviour. But all i have left now is me hoping and praying that he MANS UP when the baby is here.

:wall2: i'll be honest, the last month all i have done is Cry! this is coming from a girl who never cried and didnt even cry when my mum had cancer i helped her pull through that... My friends are sick of hearing im ok one min, next im sad because hes said something. Ive lost alot of friends because of this. My family are starting to see it and are very concerned but telling me to leave him and we will be there for you doesnt help.
The one person who has kept me sane bless her is SarahCarps and she lives 4hrs away. I dont know how i would have coped without her and i wonna say a massive thanks to her. :hugs:

This is a pointless thread thinking about it now, but this is the time i should be getting excited and getting things done, when all i wonna do is hide under my duvet and cry myself to sleep. :cry:how can i be a great mum when i cant even stand up for myself?! xxxx
:hugs: i know exactly where you are coming from hun, my OH was a total moron when i was pregnant with DD, i used to just sit in tears while he was out getting drunk with his friends and then when i would say something to him about sorting his head out and growing up we would just have a massive argument, i often questioned whether i was doing the right thing having a baby with him and my family would also tell me to leave him and that i could do better etc! I stuck it out and tbh he changed for about 2 weeks after the birth and then went back to bogging off out with his mates on a weekend etc! He did change eventually but it took me going to mums a few times with a bag and telling him i was leaving and he would always ring telling me he would change and to come home so we could talk etc! We did get there in the end but its hard and its worse when your pregnant as you dont want to stress etc for the babys sake! Keep that chin up hun, you have a lovely LO cooking away nicely and when he arrives you can give him lots of hugs and love, you will be a fab mum with or without OH but ultimately its up to you where you go from here not your families decision or anyone elses, if you ever wanna chat feel free to pm me or what ever xxx
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Hugs x I don't really know what advice to give you but just wanted to say you will be a great mum - instinct will kick in and you will love your baby more than anything in the world. Glad your getting support from Sarah, sorry I can't be more help but never feel like your alone as we're all here! X
Thanks ladies...

i know there isnt much people can say as it ultimately is down to me, if i stick things out or if i dont. Its hard choice to make in the first place as we hadnt been together long he said he would support me... so far ive felt like ive messed his life up, thats how he talks and when i mention that to him he then says i twist things. Im hurt because i dont know if im doing the right thing. I ignore him, its wrong... i worship him, thats wrong... i sleep i get told im lazy... i show him my bump, he calls me fatty (jkin way but it hurts)
I know my rant is silly as in days to come me and him will be fine again... but there is too many times now hes made me cry. And blaming my hormones. Im not insane? i dont think.... I guess when it comes to my little man i just dont want to fail him as thats what im doing now when im stressing out... Hard times when i have emotions of mine and thinking of my son.

Thank you so much Deedee and MrsT2011 for the support xxxx
No worries hun, i do think hormones play a role in how you react to something or deal with something, i think ive shed more tears this pregnancy than i have done in the last 3 years lol but i guess thats part and parcel of growing our LO's and they will be all worth it in the end, in fact once they come along, to hell with everyone else that dares to diss you or piss you off, your LO will be the most important thing in your life and nothing will get in the way of that :) xx
Oh Alice <3

You don't need to thank me!! I'll ALWAYS be here no matter how far away I am!
I can be the secret doctor in a white coat for you hehehe.

Naths mum and dad call me fatty and podge all the time in a joking way but I'm proud of my baby bump and you should be too!!

Big massive cuddles from me and Squidge <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh hun, I can totally empathise. I'm so down and feel lost and alone quite a bit of the time. Can't type more as on my crappy phone. Massive :hug:
Meant to say will put more when I'm home in a day or 2 xx
Hi, I didn't want to read and run. I'm new to tri 3. 27 weeks today :) but I just wanted to say I think your really brave, the hardest part is admitting everything isn't perfect and that your not happy. I cannot imagine having all these hormoans and having to deal with oh issues. My oh is great, but something I have noticed is that it's hard for them to get properly involved as they aren't the ones with the babies inside them, guess for alot of them it doesn't become 'real' untill the baby is actually here. It's great all us here giving advice and saying do this and do that. But when faced with the situation it's totally different. But main priority is you and baby... And your health. And it can't be good for baby you getting so upset. Could you possibly stay with your mum for a while, few nights just to see how you feel? And maybe speak to your midwife. I know it's hard, I hate talking about feelings and all that jazz... But at the end of the day it's there job and they have to help you! And as for your friends, you find out who your real friends are when your pregnant.xx
Hi, I didn't want to read and run. I'm new to tri 3. 27 weeks today :) but I just wanted to say I think your really brave, the hardest part is admitting everything isn't perfect and that your not happy. I cannot imagine having all these hormoans and having to deal with oh issues. My oh is great, but something I have noticed is that it's hard for them to get properly involved as they aren't the ones with the babies inside them, guess for alot of them it doesn't become 'real' untill the baby is actually here. It's great all us here giving advice and saying do this and do that. But when faced with the situation it's totally different. But main priority is you and baby... And your health. And it can't be good for baby you getting so upset. Could you possibly stay with your mum for a while, few nights just to see how you feel? And maybe speak to your midwife. I know it's hard, I hate talking about feelings and all that jazz... But at the end of the day it's there job and they have to help you! And as for your friends, you find out who your real friends are when your pregnant.xx

Thanks Sweetie, its a very nice post. It was the hardest thing to admit that im not happy, everyone is suppose to be having the time of their lifes when pregnant enjoying all the new things... I just never want to seem like i regret whats happened but with NO support from my OH its been hard to get excited over stuff... I find half of this pregnancy i have been guilty, guilty im putting my son through this and when they tell me hes small etc my heart sinks into my chest as i think its my fault for that. With regards to friends the only true ones i have are people on here who listen to me and my lovely friend who i email everyday shes been my rock... Feeling alone is THE worst feeling. I know in days to come hes bound to be nice to me again and ill feel bad for the Thread.

I appreciate all the support though ladies i really do :hugs: xxxx
Don't feel bad for the thread!
Letting it out is the best way, keeping it all bottled up will only make your head worse - As you are JUST like me :D.

We're pregnant for gods sake, we are allowed to moan about our OH's, theyre ALL knobs at some point in the relationship, people are lying if their OH's are amazing ALLLLL of the time!

Chin up mrs, and CHILL OUT! :D <3 xxx
Hi, I didn't want to read and run. I'm new to tri 3. 27 weeks today :) but I just wanted to say I think your really brave, the hardest part is admitting everything isn't perfect and that your not happy. I cannot imagine having all these hormoans and having to deal with oh issues. My oh is great, but something I have noticed is that it's hard for them to get properly involved as they aren't the ones with the babies inside them, guess for alot of them it doesn't become 'real' untill the baby is actually here. It's great all us here giving advice and saying do this and do that. But when faced with the situation it's totally different. But main priority is you and baby... And your health. And it can't be good for baby you getting so upset. Could you possibly stay with your mum for a while, few nights just to see how you feel? And maybe speak to your midwife. I know it's hard, I hate talking about feelings and all that jazz... But at the end of the day it's there job and they have to help you! And as for your friends, you find out who your real friends are when your pregnant.xx

Thanks Sweetie, its a very nice post. It was the hardest thing to admit that im not happy, everyone is suppose to be having the time of their lifes when pregnant enjoying all the new things... I just never want to seem like i regret whats happened but with NO support from my OH its been hard to get excited over stuff... I find half of this pregnancy i have been guilty, guilty im putting my son through this and when they tell me hes small etc my heart sinks into my chest as i think its my fault for that. With regards to friends the only true ones i have are people on here who listen to me and my lovely friend who i email everyday shes been my rock... Feeling alone is THE worst feeling. I know in days to come hes bound to be nice to me again and ill feel bad for the Thread.

I appreciate all the support though ladies i really do :hugs: xxxx

People have small babies!! It's one of these things, don't blame yourself at all!!' and maybe your oh will be fine, and you'll hopefully forget what you were upset about :) but it's important you deal with how your feeling at the time!!

You have every right to get excited!! And enjoy it :)

Have you picked any names? I'm team yellow, oh wants a surprise. So think we have picked William if it's a boy, and ruby for a girl, but we're not telling anyone we know! Have you got all your stuff for wee man organised??xx
Don't feel bad for the thread!
Letting it out is the best way, keeping it all bottled up will only make your head worse - As you are JUST like me :D.

We're pregnant for gods sake, we are allowed to moan about our OH's, theyre ALL knobs at some point in the relationship, people are lying if their OH's are amazing ALLLLL of the time!

Chin up mrs, and CHILL OUT! :D <3 xxx

Totally agree... They all have there moments!! Ha :) xx
Sorry you are having a rough time honey. Pregnancy is tough so feeling alone and going through it must be so difficult. Just wanted to send you my
Love and hugs. Hope OH realised what a lucky man he is soon and that it's time to man up. X
Sorry you are having a rough time honey. Pregnancy is tough so feeling alone and going through it must be so difficult. Just wanted to send you my
Love and hugs. Hope OH realised what a lucky man he is soon and that it's time to man up. X

Thank you sweetie... its hard for me to admit im sad in the first place but im hoping he sorts himself out soon or i think i will do something i could regret or could be happy... but only time will ever tell... thank you for the support babe xxx :hugs:
Hi, I didn't want to read and run. I'm new to tri 3. 27 weeks today :) but I just wanted to say I think your really brave, the hardest part is admitting everything isn't perfect and that your not happy. I cannot imagine having all these hormoans and having to deal with oh issues. My oh is great, but something I have noticed is that it's hard for them to get properly involved as they aren't the ones with the babies inside them, guess for alot of them it doesn't become 'real' untill the baby is actually here. It's great all us here giving advice and saying do this and do that. But when faced with the situation it's totally different. But main priority is you and baby... And your health. And it can't be good for baby you getting so upset. Could you possibly stay with your mum for a while, few nights just to see how you feel? And maybe speak to your midwife. I know it's hard, I hate talking about feelings and all that jazz... But at the end of the day it's there job and they have to help you! And as for your friends, you find out who your real friends are when your pregnant.xx

Thanks Sweetie, its a very nice post. It was the hardest thing to admit that im not happy, everyone is suppose to be having the time of their lifes when pregnant enjoying all the new things... I just never want to seem like i regret whats happened but with NO support from my OH its been hard to get excited over stuff... I find half of this pregnancy i have been guilty, guilty im putting my son through this and when they tell me hes small etc my heart sinks into my chest as i think its my fault for that. With regards to friends the only true ones i have are people on here who listen to me and my lovely friend who i email everyday shes been my rock... Feeling alone is THE worst feeling. I know in days to come hes bound to be nice to me again and ill feel bad for the Thread.

I appreciate all the support though ladies i really do :hugs: xxxx

People have small babies!! It's one of these things, don't blame yourself at all!!' and maybe your oh will be fine, and you'll hopefully forget what you were upset about :) but it's important you deal with how your feeling at the time!!

You have every right to get excited!! And enjoy it :)

Have you picked any names? I'm team yellow, oh wants a surprise. So think we have picked William if it's a boy, and ruby for a girl, but we're not telling anyone we know! Have you got all your stuff for wee man organised??xx

Thanks babe... Yeah i know babies are small all the time just how i feel inside because i feel like it is MY fault.
Yeah we are having a boy and calling him Charlie Michael... im happy im having a boy as my OH already has a girl lol... i dont have everything for little man but i do have 9weeks left so ill get the stuff on my maternity leave haha...
aww do you not want to find out what your having? aww they are nice names... xxx
I wanted to know, but my boyfriend didn't. And it's our 1st. So quite excited about the surprise and we had to start from scratch buying stuff anyway :) I'm looking forward to getting everything ready for baby making and appearance.xx

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