Swimming alone


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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I LOVE my aquanatal classes, but they are off for the next two weeks because the midwife is on holiday. I am planning on going to the next one, but it is only a day before my due date, and I want to get into the pool before then. Has anyone here been to a pool alone since being pregnant? I felt confident with all of the other pregnant women around, but I think I might feel funny alone, especially because I'm not quite sure what I am capable of. I won't be recreating an aquanatal session all by myself! My husband doesn't swim and my mother is really shy about her body in public, so I think I will have to be alone...
Nothing wrong in swimming alone, i used to love to float in the pool and just think about different things...
Did you get strange looks from the kids in the pool at all? There are always a lot of kids around for the aquanatal section. They queue for the diving boards and imitate all of us, thinking they are clever! They're kicked out of the pool for our classes, but I would be mixing with them during the session... It's a wave pool too and I've not seen it with the waves on. I wonder if it's scary! I'm a good swimmer normally but have no idea how I am at the moment, so pregnant! I guess I'll find out!
I go swimming twice a week on my own. People do stare but I just ignore it. Once I'm in the water no one can tell I'm pregnant and I feel so much better in water than on dry land.

I didn't swim during tri one as I was so knackered but I've found that I'm able to swim just as well as when I wasn't pregnant. I always swim a mile each time I go as I want to build up a lot of stamina ready for the birth. I find as my entire body is supported I don't get out of breath like I would/do when walking.

Also I always swim lengths through the waves and haven't found it a problem either.
I find if people do look they either look nervous that you're going to have it in the pool or they smile at you.
I've been going swimming on my own throughout pregnancy and it's absolutely fine hun. I've started getting smiles from folk the last few weeks when it's been more obvious I'm pregnant. Like Mildly says once you're in the pool no one can tell anyway and you can float about to your hearts content. I usually use the competition pool and swim lengths but think I'm going to start going in the float about pool for a bit of warmer water and just float for a while!
Enjoy yourself!
Sarah x
Ive just started going I dont do lengths either I just wallow and float and enjoy the feeling of being supported.

There were a couple of other preggy ladies in the pool (we seem to be multiplying fast!!) and no one seemed to be bothered by us.

I chose a quieter pool which is also deeper and has no wave machine, but this was based on not wanting to have all eyes on DS all the time rather than because of anything to do with me.

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