I feel like...


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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POO :(

Im so tired. Ive only got a mild cold but I feel so weak and like I could just go to sleep now. After bragging about how healthy and energetic I feel in pregnancy I think mother nature is punishing me for being so smug :cry:

Had a full blood count done on Monday and wouldnt be totally shocked if it came back my iron levels low. Im honestly wondering if I could call in sick tomorrow for tiredness. Dont think I have the time, and Im taking 2 and a half hours off thursday morning for the glucose tollerance test, one of my patients got admitted as an emergency today and I told them Id go up tomorrow morning and....eugh. I just feel sorry for myself :roll:

I really think Im not gonna be able to carry on like this unless I pick up my energy levels. Dont finish work until July :cry:
aww i know how you feel hun, i got a horrible runny nose and feel knackered!! maybe you're a allowed a sick day just this once.. i mean, you have the most legitmate excuse in the world - you're pregnant! go with it! have a nice pj day and a bath and maybe read more hypnobirthing books. sounds like you deserve it! or if you don't want to chance it with work, make sure you relax this evening and tomorrow! (as i know when it comes to work with me i'm a right coward for phoning in sick!) xxxx
Thanks Ria! Sorry to hear youve got a cold too. Im a wimp for calling in sick, Ive only done it once in this job and it was when I had abdominal pains, so I had to get that sorted, I thought something was wrong with the baby. I might go in and get my jobs done and see if my boss will let me go home at lunchtime. Im so tempted to start mat leave early but I know its a waste when its time I could have with the baby.
sorry your feeling crap hun :sad: If your feeling that weak I would ring in sick..colds take alot out of you when your not pregnant so it a hundred times worse when you are!!

As Ria said, get some :sleep: and have a relaxing day at home if your still feeling like it in the morning xxx
no probs :) i hope you feel better soon. and i agree with Erin! but i also know how sick i feel in my stomach having to tell manager 'i'm not feeling well' :oops: so scary! lol. have you got any hols left you can take before maternity? i'm on hols at the minute, my mat leave doesn't start til 18th may! xxx
Aww hun, its awful having cold when your pregnant coz you cant have anything but paaracetamol and you feel double louzy, hope you feel better soon xx
I can imagine how you feel, I caught a cold from Rosie last week and I felt like
I had the flu - it was shocking.

Plenty of water and rest, hopefully it will pass in a couple of days but dont feel bad about taking time off sick xx
Hope your feeling better soon honey. I'm shattered and don't have a cold! Tiredness has hit me like a canon again and i could sleep for england, don't feel guilty for having a few days off work - better to recover properly than going back b4 your ready and making you feel worse xx
Hi honey, sorry to hear you don't feel well, i understand how that feels! I feel like i've been hit by a bus and so bloody useless. If you need time off work then thats what you need, try not to feel guilty. You're probably exhausted and like Ria said a pj day will help. As for starting maternity leave early, i don't know how i would have coped if i hadn't stopped working, it was a hard decision and part of me felt i'd failed but its so important that you put you and baby first i think chick, just see how you get on, but don't rule anything out as an option. Hope you feel better soon x
ahh thanks girl. I went in today and got loads done. Thankfully my first patient didnt turn up, which is normally really annoying but it meant I was able to take the day steady. By about 2pm I couldve put my head on the desk and slept. Got myself curled up on the sofa now :)

Now Ive left work in a state where I COULD not go back in, and there would be no evidence of how disorganised Ive been recently!!

Not going in til 11.30 tomorrow cos Ive got my glucose tollerance test. Ive got loads of annual leave left, our annual leave year goes 1st April to 1st April and havent taken any leave yet. I was planning to take 1 week before mat leave starts then use all of it in a chunk through end of feb/march and go back 1st april. But Ill get a full payslip in march and half in feb. I REALLY dont want to use too much leave cos Ill have to leave my little one sooner to come back to work.

My colleague keeps telling me to go on the sick too, and save my annual leave but I feel so bad letting people down, and my workload just gets dumped on my 3 collegues who are all already over worked :(

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